CCDA 200-310 CAP-04 Remote Connectivity Design


CCDA 200-310 CAP-04 Remote Connectivity Design
Manueel Sepulveda
Mapa Mental por Manueel Sepulveda, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Manueel Sepulveda
Creado por Manueel Sepulveda hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

CCDA 200-310 CAP-04 Remote Connectivity Design
  1. Considering WAN Technology Options
    1. network characteristics
      1. Service level agreement (SLA)
        1. Cost and usage
        2. Primary goals of WAN design
          1. Achieve the goals, meet the characteristics, and support the policies of the customer.
            1. Use a technology to meet present requirements, in addition to requirements for the near future.
              1. The expense of the WAN
              2. WAN technologies
                1. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
                  1. Metro Ethernet
                    1. Digital subscriber line (DSL)
                      1. Cable
                        1. Wireless
                          1. Time-division multiplexing (TDM)
                            1. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
                              1. Frame Relay
                                1. Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
                                  1. Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM
                                  2. Enterprise edge design uses the PPDIOO
                                    1. Determine network requirements
                                      1. Evaluate existing network technology
                                        1. Design the network topology
                                        2. QoS mechanisms
                                          1. Compression
                                            1. Link aggregation
                                              1. Window size
                                                1. Queuing
                                                  1. Traffic conditioning
                                                2. Performing the Enterprise WAN Design
                                                  1. WAN design categories
                                                    1. Traditional WAN design
                                                      1. Leased Lines
                                                        1. Circuit switched
                                                          1. Packet/cell switched
                                                          2. Remote-access network design
                                                            1. Virtual private network (VPN) design
                                                              1. WAN backup design
                                                                1. Dial Backup Routing
                                                                  1. Redundant WAN link
                                                                    1. Shadow PVC
                                                                      1. IPsec tunnel
                                                                      2. Design considerations for the enterprise WAN architecture
                                                                        1. Network growth
                                                                          1. Availability
                                                                            1. Recurring expenses
                                                                              1. Network complexity
                                                                                1. Multimedia support
                                                                                  1. Migration expense
                                                                                    1. Network segmentation
                                                                                    2. Selection of hardware and software components
                                                                                      1. Hardware selection
                                                                                        1. Port density
                                                                                          1. Throughput
                                                                                            1. Enhanced capabilities
                                                                                              1. redundancy
                                                                                              2. Software selection
                                                                                                1. T Train
                                                                                                  1. S Train
                                                                                                    1. XR Train
                                                                                              3. Performing the Enterprise Branch Design
                                                                                                1. Branch offices can be categorized
                                                                                                  1. Small branch office
                                                                                                    1. Medium branch office
                                                                                                      1. Large branch office
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