
Mapa Mental sobre SPSS, creado por Aysha Ch el 06/04/2016.
Aysha Ch
Mapa Mental por Aysha Ch, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Aysha Ch
Creado por Aysha Ch hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Is the data normally distributed?
    1. Normality test
      1. Sig Value
        1. Sig > 0.05
          1. YES
            1. How is data reported?
              1. Data is reported as Mean +_ SD
                1. Analyse
                  1. Descriptive statistics
                    1. Descriptives
                      1. DON'T FORGET


                        • Click Options  Select:  Minimum  Maximum  S.E Error Std. deviation
              2. How is data compared?
                1. Data is compared using parametric statistical tests
                  1. How many sets of data are there?
                    1. 2
                      1. Use T statistical tests
                        1. What is the experimental model?
                          1. Independent
                            1. Independent T test
                              1. Analyse
                                1. Compare means
                                  1. Independent Samples-T test
                                    1. DON'T FORGET


                                      • Select Define groups  Type '1' in the 'Group1' box  Type '2' in the 'Group 2' box  Continue
                                      1. Independent Samples Test Table
                                        1. Sig. 2-tailed value
                                          1. Sig 2-tailed > 0.05
                                            1. NO significant diff
                                            2. Sig 2-tailed < 0.05
                                              1. There's sig diff
                                2. Repeated measures
                                  1. Dependent T test
                                    1. Analyse
                                      1. Compare means
                                        1. Paired Sample T tests
                                          1. Paired Sample Test Table
                            2. 3 or more
                              1. Use ANOVA statistical tests
                                1. How many independent variables are there?
                                  1. One
                                    1. What is the experimental model?
                                      1. Independent
                                        1. ONE WAY ANOVA
                                          1. Analyse
                                            1. Compare means
                                              1. One-Way ANOVA
                                                1. Sig.
                                                  1. Sig < 0.05
                                                    1. There is a significant difference
                                                      1. What Post Hoc tests are used here?
                                                        1. Tukey
                                                          1. Multiple comparison table
                                                            1. Sig.
                                                              1. Sig > 0.05
                                                                1. No difference between the sets of data
                                                                2. Sig < 0.05
                                                                  1. There's a difference between the sets of data
                                                      2. Sig > 0.05
                                                        1. There is NO significant difference
                                                      3. DON'T FORGET


                                                        • Select Post Hoc  Tick Tukey Continue
                                              2. Repeated Measures
                                                1. ONE FACTOR REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA
                                            2. Two
                                              1. What is the experimental model?
                                                1. Independent
                                                  1. TWO WAY ANOVA
                                                    1. Analyse
                                                      1. General linear models
                                                        1. Univariate
                                                          1. Sig.
                                                            1. Sig > 0.05
                                                              1. There is no main/interaction effect
                                                              2. Sig < 0.05
                                                                1. There's main/interaction effect
                                                                  1. What post Hoc tests are used here?
                                                                    1. Independent t-test
                                                                      1. One Way Anova
                                                      2. Repeated measures
                                                        1. TWO FACTOR REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA
                                    2. Sig < 0.05
                                      1. NO
                                        1. How is data reported?
                                          1. Data is reported as Median (Range)
                                            1. Analyse
                                              1. Descriptive statistics
                                                1. Frequencies
                                          2. How is data compared?
                                            1. Data is compared using Non-Parametric statistical tests
                                              1. What type of data is it?
                                                1. Continuous
                                                  1. How many medians are there?
                                                    1. 2
                                                      1. What is the experimental Model?
                                                        1. Independent
                                                          1. Mann-Whitney U Test
                                                            1. Analyse
                                                              1. Nonparametric
                                                                1. 2 Independent samples
                                                                  1. DONT FORGET


                                                                    • Define groups:  Group1:1 Group2: 2
                                                                    1. Test Stat Table
                                                                      1. Sig. 2-tailed
                                                                        1. sig > 0.05
                                                                          1. there's NO sig diff
                                                                          2. sig < 0.05
                                                                            1. There's a sig diff
                                                              2. Repeated Measures
                                                                1. Wilcoxon
                                                                  1. Analyse
                                                                    1. Non Para
                                                                      1. 2 Related samples
                                                            2. 3 +
                                                              1. What is the experimental model?
                                                                1. Independent
                                                                  1. Kruskal-Wallace
                                                                    1. Analyse
                                                                      1. Non Para
                                                                        1. Legacy dialoge
                                                                          1. K independent samples
                                                                            1. DONT FORGET


                                                                              • Define groups:  Minimum: 1 Maximum: 3
                                                                              1. Post Hoc Test?
                                                                                1. Mann-WhitneyU
                                                                                  1. Wilcoxon
                                                                      2. Repeated Measures
                                                                        1. Friedman
                                                                          1. K Related Samples
                                                                2. Discontinuous
                                                                  1. ChiSqaure
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