Assessment of kidneys & urinary tract


(kidneys ) Paediatrics Mapa Mental sobre Assessment of kidneys & urinary tract, creado por v.djabatey el 29/01/2014.
Mapa Mental por v.djabatey, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por v.djabatey hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Assessment of kidneys & urinary tract
  1. GFR is low in newborn & esp low in preterm
    1. GFR @ 28 weeks' gestation =10% of term infant
      1. in term infants corrected GFR (15-20 ml/min per 1.73m2) rapidly rises to 1-2 years old when adult rate (80-120 ml/min per 1.73m2) achieved
      2. plasma creatinine conc (PCr)
        1. main test of renal function
          1. rises progressively throughout childhood accord to height & mm bulk
            1. may not be outside lab 'normal range' until renal function has dropped to < 1/2 normal
            2. estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
              1. =k x height (cm)/ creatinine (micromol/L)
                1. k= 40 (Cr measured using Jaffe method) or 30 (Cr measured enzymatically)
                2. better measure of renal func than creatinine
                  1. useful to measure renal func serially in kids w/ renal impairment
                  2. insulin or EDTA GFR
                    1. more accurate
                      1. clearance from plasma of substances freely filtered @ glomerulus, is not secreted or reabsorbed by the tubules
                      2. use limited in kids
                        1. need for repeated blood tests
                      3. creatinine clearance
                        1. requires timed urine collection & blood tests
                          1. rarely done in kids
                            1. because inconvenient & inaccurate
                          2. plasma [urea]
                            1. increased in renal failure often before Cr starts rising
                              1. raised levels may be symptomatic
                                1. increased by high protein diet & if in catabolic state
                                2. radiological ix
                                  1. ultrasound
                                    1. standard imaging procedure
                                      1. provides anatomical not functional assessment
                                        1. great @ visualising urinary tract dilatation, stones & nephrocalcinosis (small multiple Ca deposits in renal parenchyma)
                                          1. adv: non invasive, mobile
                                            1. disadv: operator-dependent, won't detect all renal scars
                                            2. DMSA scan (99mTc dimercaptosuccinic acid)
                                              1. static scan of renal cortex
                                                1. detects functional defects like scars
                                                  1. v sensitive
                                                    1. need to wait minimum 2 months after UTI to avoid diag of false 'scars'
                                                  2. micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG)
                                                    1. can visualise bladder & urethral anatomy
                                                      1. detects vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) & urethral obstruction
                                                        1. disadv: invasive & unpleasant ix esp beyond infancy, high radiation dose
                                                        2. MAG3 renogram (mercapto-acetyl-triglycine, labelled with 99mTc)
                                                          1. dynamic scan
                                                            1. isotope labelled substance MAG3 secreted from blood into urine
                                                              1. measures drainage
                                                                1. best performed w/ high urine flow
                                                                  1. in kids old enough to cooperate (usually >4 years), scan during micturition is used to ID VUR
                                                                  2. plain abdominal x-ray
                                                                    1. IDes unsuspected spinal abnormalities
                                                                      1. may ID renal stones
                                                                        1. poor at showing nephrocalcinosis
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                                                                      Renal System A&P
                                                                      Kirsty Jayne Buckley
                                                                      acute kidney injury
                                                                      renal masses
                                                                      spectrum of renal disease in kids
                                                                      congenital abnormalities
                                                                      renal calculi
                                                                      renal tubular disorders
                                                                      The Kidneys (Nephron)