How did the USSR control the Eastern European States


AS - Level (Cold War) History Mapa Mental sobre How did the USSR control the Eastern European States, creado por Thomas Marshall el 16/04/2016.
Thomas Marshall
Mapa Mental por Thomas Marshall, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Thomas Marshall
Creado por Thomas Marshall hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

How did the USSR control the Eastern European States
  1. Poland
    1. Stalin set up provisional government in June 45 with the Government in exile in London
      1. Could not allow free elections as Communists would lose.
        1. Boycotted by Mikolajczyjk in hope that it would force USA and Britain to intervene
          1. Why did the USA and Britain do nothing?
            1. Policy of containment did not include Poland as it was considered in USSR sphere of influence.
              1. Suggestion that officials from USA and Britain should monitor elections in Jan 1947 = declined
                1. Tactics of terror and false electoral results = Communist Peasants’ Party in power
                  1. Leader, Gomulka, believed Poland should not be completely follow Soviet example, but forced to do so and Stalin removed him a year later
    2. Romania
      1. Romania’s King Michael called on Britain and USA not to recognise new government imposed by USSR
        1. Stalin called on Petru Goza (Prime Minister) to appoint 2 x non Communists to reality made little difference
          1. 1946 Groza strengthens position by combining parties = Communist Domination
            1. Nov 1946: went to the Polls
              1. Could have won elections without these tactics? (80%)
                1. Feb 1947 ACC dissolved, Marshall Aid refused, joined the Cominform
                  1. Dec 1947 King Michael forced to abdicate
                    1. April 1948 Communist people’s republic declared
      2. Bulgaria
        1. Stalin wanted to avoid friction if possible
          1. Dec 1945 forced the Communists to include two members of the opposition, but when these demanded change advised them to be ‘smothered’
            1. Still anxious to mask the party’s dictatorship: Sept 1946 urged a ‘Labour Party’ to be set up for a ‘broader base and a better mask’
              1. October 1946 elections: opposition win over 1/3 of result
                1. BUT: Truman doctrine US involvement in Greece = Bulgaria front line in defence of Communism
                  1. Result is that opposition is got rid of.
                    1. Bulgarian Communist Party took creation of Cominform to radicalise: nationalised industry, collectivisation of agriculture, 1 party state
        2. Yugoslavia
          1. Unique: won power independently of Soviet forces (90% of vote in Nov 1945)
            1. Tito ambitious: assisted Greek Communists attempting to seize power in Greece, claimed border territories from Italy e.g. Trieste
              1. USSR sympathised with Tito but not ready to risk confrontation
                1. Paris Peace Negotiation 1947: Trieste divided into two separate parts: one under Anglo-American control, one Yugoslav
          2. Czeckoslovakia
            1. Had undergone post-war revolution = withdrawal of Soviet troops Dec 1945
              1. Communists won 38% of the vote without any violence or efforts of the part in May 1946
                1. Could have been a bridge but Marshall Plan and creation of Cominform = impossible
                  1. Paris Conference, Masaryk: ‘I went to Moscow as the foreign minister of an independent sovereign state, I returned as a lackey of the Soviet government’
                    1. Feb 1948: Communist Party took power
            2. France
              1. Initially attempted to balance West – USSR…until 1947
                1. Behind the scenes, Socialist Party attempted to draw closer to the USA?
                  1. March 1946: French Socialist leader accepted international free trade arguments by USA
                    1. Moscow Conference Mar 1947 turning point: France aligned itself with British and Americans Communists expelled Autumn Stalin called for violent protests against the Marshall Plan = Socialists distanced themselves from USSR and accept pro-US policy
              2. Hungary
                1. Nov 1945 elections free with no Communist influence
                  1. Two years later: press still free and businesses in private hands and borders to West still open
                    1. Influence of Communist Party still apparent in ACC
                      1. Spring 1947: opposition shattered when arrested by Soviets for conspiring against the occupation = increasingly in Soviet sphere
                        1. 8 Dec 1947: friendship and co-operation with Yugoslavia and mutual aid treaty
                          1. March 1948: Communist and socialist parties merged: Hungarian People’s Independent Front
                            1. May 1949 elections: only Independent Front allowed to stand
                2. Italy
                  1. Initial attempts to balance power: Communists joined coalition government
                    1. Stalin conceded Italy had little choice but to support West as it had been liberated and occupied by them
                      1. Dec 1945 new coalition under de Gasperi won US support for economic policies
                        1. May 1947: Communists dismissed = cleared the way for the Marshall Plan
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