Internet Business Success Formula


Mapa Mental sobre Internet Business Success Formula, creado por Sar Atchison el 01/02/2014.
Sar Atchison
Mapa Mental por Sar Atchison, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sar Atchison
Creado por Sar Atchison hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Internet Business Success Formula
  1. Converting Products
    1. You need to have converting products to offer or you won't make money - That's that!
      1. Products your offer must be very HOT - These are the products people want, need or can't live without - Your products are the answers to their prayers!
        1. More Training
    2. Drive Traffic
      1. There are 50 plus ways to drive traffic to your offer but you must start with just 1 to 3 or you'll create a disaster!
        1. Do you want to do FREE or PAID Traffic methods or both? - Note that FREE doesn't really mean FREE. Your time is involved in this - If you decide to to do PPC, means pay per click, then you may see the result quicker than if you do a free article marketing or forum marketing
          1. More Training
      2. Sales Funnel
        1. You have to have a front end product where you lead your potential customers into buyers - Then you must have back end offers to optimize your income
          1. A sales funnel is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom - There are several pieces to a sales funnel
            1. More Training
        2. Mindset
          1. Your mindset is like AIR to your online business success - Without it you won't survive the challenges that come with running an internet business
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