Dynamics and Kinematics Simulation for Robots


Dynamics and Kinematics Simulation for Robots
Johann Andrés  Argüello CRUZ
Mapa Mental por Johann Andrés Argüello CRUZ, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Johann Andrés  Argüello CRUZ
Creado por Johann Andrés Argüello CRUZ hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Dynamics and Kinematics Simulation for Robots
  1. Dynamic Simulation of Robot
    1. Transfer Function equations of motion and to be determined by Lagrange’s method/ Newton’s approach.
      1. R-Robot
        1. P-Robot
          1. 3R-Robot
            1. PP-Robot
              1. RP-Robot
                1. PR-Robot
                2. Johann Argüello. Manuela Beltran University Conceptual Map
                  1. Santichai Fueanggan, Somchart Chokchaitam. Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering. Pathumthani, Thailand
                    1. Forward Kinematics Simulation of Robots
                      1. Robosim2 program the robot structure was designed using the Denavit – Hartenberg transformation
                      2. Controller Model
                        1. Transfer Function of a PID
                        2. System Operation
                          1. 3 main sections - data input, data processing and result display
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