Self Study Project 2


self study project
Ashley Shaffer
Mapa Mental por Ashley Shaffer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ashley Shaffer
Creado por Ashley Shaffer hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Self Study Project 2
  1. Knowledge of Teaching and Learning
    1. How can a teacher best utilize the school day to work with the class as a whole, but also to meet the needs of ELL students by meeting individually or giving additional scaffolds.
      1. Front loading the child
        1. Right before the lesson
          1. This might be best if the lesson will be difficult for them to understand.
          2. Right when the child arrives
            1. They will be more motivated to learn throughout the day
          3. A teacher can scheduling time to meet one on one with the students at some point in the day.
            1. During rest time
              1. The room will be quiet during rest time, so the child will be able to focus.
              2. During center time
                1. The child can come to you during center time, but still have enough time to play during centers.
              3. To best help the students, the teacher needs to find out the learning style of the child
                1. Visual
                  1. Learn by seeing
                    1. Graphics
                      1. Video
                    2. Auditory
                      1. Learn by hearing
                        1. Listening to stories
                          1. Repeating things to themselves
                        2. Kinesthetic
                          1. Learn by touch
                            1. Hands-on activities
                              1. Writing things down
                      2. Knowledge of Content
                        1. How do teachers plan content that meets standards while also focusing on the range of learning levels in the classroom ?
                          1. Find out the learning style of the students
                            1. Incorporate multiple methods of learning styles into the classroom structure.
                              1. Teachers can also group the children into different learning groups in order to teach more directly to the small group.
                                1. After working with the class in small groups, the teacher can look across each groups strengths and needs. She can focus whole group instruction based on the overlapping of needs among the groups.
                                  1. Children can learn from others during this time.
                                    1. Talk partners
                                      1. Listening to others answers
                                        1. Working together
                                        2. Large group instruction is the time that can be used for general standards and learning goals.
                                        3. This gives the children more individual learning time
                                          1. Different types of lessons can be taught in small groups
                                            1. Guided reading
                                              1. Targeted lessons
                                              2. the children are more likely to understand what is being taught to them because the teacher is able to be more intentional in the teaching
                                          2. Knowledge of Diversity
                                            1. To what extent should a teacher know about a child's primary language to best be able to support their learning?
                                              1. Know what language(s) the child speaks at home.
                                                1. Primary language and English
                                                  1. Primary Language
                                                  2. To best support their learning, having a classroom environment that welcomes language diversity but also encourages English language development is important.
                                                    1. Having this type of classroom community will make the children feel like it is their classroom
                                                      1. If the class is learning about a certain culture or language, the ELL student could help present or could share a story relating to the topic
                                                        1. Shared journal
                                                          1. During centers
                                                            1. Shared reading
                                                          2. Know whether or not the child’s parents can speak English and how comfortable they are with it.
                                                            1. This can help with parent-teacher communication and relationship.
                                                            2. Another thing a teacher could do to support ELL students’ learning is to be familiar with common words in their primary language.
                                                              1. It doesn’t have to be much, but knowing a few words in another language can make the ELL student feel welcome and comfortable in the classroom,
                                                                1. it can also help educate the other students in the classroom.
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