Religion and Human Rights


Mapa Mental sobre Religion and Human Rights, creado por Jasvinder Kaur el 28/04/2016.
Jasvinder Kaur
Mapa Mental por Jasvinder Kaur, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jasvinder Kaur
Creado por Jasvinder Kaur hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Religion and Human Rights
  1. Key words: RIGHTS - entitlements that all people should have, RESPONSIBILITY - the legal or moral duty which a person has, HUMAN RIGHTS - the basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings should be entitled, MINORITY - a small group differing from other, AMNESTY - a pardon for crimes committed.
    1. Responsibilities
      1. If a person has free speech, then they have the responsibility to speak responsibly and not stir up hatred or provoke violence.
        1. If children have the right to be protected from neglect, bullying and abuse, they also have the responsibility to look after the areas that we live in.
          1. If we have the right to live in a clean and safe environment, we all have the responsibility to look after the areas that we live in.
          2. Muslim views on Human Rights: Muslim law is based upon the Qur'an, all laws must agree with the teachings of the Qur'an and Shar'ah. Law has developed from these teachings. Shari'ah law includes protection for some human rights.
            1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): UDHR was created in 1948 and adopted by UN there are 30 rights. The aim was to agree a list of rights that every human being is entitled to. All member countries of the United ~Nations signed the declaration, but there are still a number of countries that do not follow the rules and the UN has few powers to force them to do so. In Britain the Human Rights act 2000 give all people living in the UK the rights by the UDHR.
              1. Religion doesn't always give Human rights to everyone
                1. Christian churches do not allow homosexual marriages.
                  1. Roman Catholicism does not allow female priests.
                    1. In Islam homosexuality is punishable by death in some Muslim countries.
                      1. Muslim women are not treated the same under Shari'ah law as men e.g. women are not allowed to drive cars in Saudi Arabia.
                      2. Children's rights: in 1989 united nations decided that young people under the age of 18 need special care and protection from people who ignore their Human rights. The convention on the Rights of the child consists of 54 articles that spell out the basic rights that all children everywhere should have. They are designed to help children and young people to develop their potential and help them to participate in their family, cultural and social life. Also to protect sexual abuse, exploitation and poverty.
                        1. Child line: in the 1980's TV presenter Esther Rantzer suggested that a child watch organisation need to be set up to help young people with problems. It provides a free, 24 hour counselling service for young people. All calls to help line are kept confidential. Several thousands of phone calls are received daily. Thousands of volunteers have been trained to answer the calls and deal sympathetically with issues e.g. physical, sexual, bullying, pregnancy and HIV.
                          1. Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB): one of the UK's biggest voluntary organisation with branches in over 3,000 locations. Over 20,000 volunteers workers and several thousand paid staff provide services for all sections of the community. There are 2 main aims, the first one is it helps individuals know their rights and responsibilities, to be aware of services available for them. To obtain justice for the individual whatever their situation. The second one is to influence the government regarding the development of social policy that benefits all citizens.
                            1. Samaritans: created in 1953 by a Christian Vicar called Chad Varah. A Christian organisation based on the parable of the Good Samaritans. It aims to talk through problems rather than feel despondent and suicidal. Over 200 branches all over the UK, 17,000 volunteers operate a 24 hour a day service. Other services include a drop in text service, email support. Also do research into depression and suicide. At that time in London there were 3 suicides a day.
                              1. Pressure Groups; pressure groups campaign to influence political decisions about a particular issue. for example, people may campaign about the environment,the protection of wildlife changed in pensions, the right to vote at 16. Pressure groups include the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) the Electoral Reform Society (campaign to change the voting system) and the Countryside Alliance (which campaigns to stop the ba on fox hunting.)
                                1. Defend womans right to be safe. Do not approve of two doctors having to agree to an abortion. Seek to persuade government to allow abortion on demand.
                                  1. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC):
                                    1. Abortion views
                                      1. Christians: most have concerns about abortion, Roman Catholics and Orthodox Churches are against abortion. Other Christians are against abortion and many leave it up to the individuals.
                                        1. Muslims: life is considered sacred and is not disposable, Allah only takes lives. Abortion for financial reasons is forbidden in the Qur'an. Some accept abortion if the child will have a severe disability or disease, they believe a child receives its soul 120 days after conception.
                                        2. Forms of protest
                                          1. Writing letter to MP's/Council
                                            1. Petitions
                                              1. Marches
                                                1. Leaflets/flyers
                                                  1. Websites
                                                    1. Involving the media
                                                    2. Christian views on protest: Christians have protested against abortion and the use of human embryos in medical testing.
                                                      1. Muslim : Have their ow set of human rights
                                                      2. MLK: a Christian Baptist, he won the Nobel Peace prize, he led the Boycott and he had a speech called 'I have a dream' which inspired millions of people.
                                                        1. Gandhi: he became a political and spiritual leader in India, he was also a peaceful protester. His aim was to bring about independence.
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