Cluster Pre-writing Exercise for the Conclusion of a Research Paper


College assignment
Mapa Mental por noelgrc1, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por noelgrc1 hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Cluster Pre-writing Exercise for the Conclusion of a Research Paper
  1. Importance of Stress on College students and what would push towards using Tobaccoo
    1. Stress creates a sense of failure and a portal towards the use of Tobacco
      1. A sense of not wanting to go on with their normal life without the encouragement of Nicotine
          1. Emotions are controlled thanks to Tobacco
        1. Implications created thanks to Tobacco and Stress
          1. Lack of effort towards completing tasks
            1. Plummet in GPA with possible dropout scenerio
              1. A lack of outlet to release your stress
            2. Recommendations to those who fell into the category of stress and tobacco
              1. Seek help through family, friends, and Professionals
                1. Set a schedule to control how you manage time.
                  1. Encourage yourself to push forward and past the temptations of Tobacco
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