Chardae Tyus


Loyal- Strong beliefs about someone or something that you believe in. Humorous- A feeling that engages in comical acts. Nurturing- An act that promotes growth. Adaptable- An act to transition with ease into any environment or setting. Hard-Worker- Someone who takes the time and effort to complete a job or task under any circumstance.
Mapa Mental por cstyus, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por cstyus hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Chardae Tyus
  1. Loyal
    1. Faithful
      1. Trustworthy
        1. Consistent
          1. Grateful
            1. Humorous
              1. Easy Going
                1. Laughter
                  1. Cheerful
                  2. Nurturing
                    1. Sensitive
                      1. Loving
                        1. Compassionate
                        2. Hard-Worker
                          1. Accountable
                            1. Educated
                              1. Passionate
                                1. Dedicated
                                  1. Dependable
                                  2. Adaptable
                                    1. Team Player
                                      1. Open Minded
                                        1. Willing to Learn
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                                      Cuentas contables
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