Career Exploration: Guidance 101


Mapa Mental sobre Career Exploration: Guidance 101, creado por meli_sakoonphong el 06/02/2014.
Mapa Mental por meli_sakoonphong, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por meli_sakoonphong hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Career Exploration: Guidance 101
  1. Pre-Course Set-Up
    1. Coursesite Rubric
      1. Technology Checklist
        1. Coursesite Checklist
        2. Course Set-Up
          1. Schedule
            1. Session 9
              1. Interaction
                1. Student-to-Student: Blog, Student-to-Content: Document Student-to-Instructor: Email, Blog
                2. Media/Links
                  1. Portfolio (Sample)Portfolio Assignment (PDF)Reflection Assignment (PDF)Reflection RubricCourse Evaluation (Survey) Bloglist (Website)
                  2. Process
                    1. 1.Watch the video or read the document. 2.Gather materials for portfolio. 3.Place items in a self-addressed manila envelope. 4.Submit envelope to the front desk at the Success Center. 5.Check Portfolio Assignment for Success Center hours and location.
                    2. Introduction
                      1. With the culmination of this class you are to gather all the materials developed in the course and create a career portfolio
                      2. Evaluation
                        1. Each post is worth 10 points if all these criteria are met: •Well organized and thought out portfolio •Submit portfolio before the deadline •Posted before the deadline •Post addresses all the topics/issues listed in the assignment •Students responds to threes posts left by others students in the class
                        2. Requirement
                          1. 1.Submit portfolio and any additional assignments. 2.Post reflection about the course. 3.Comment on three other student's blogs and respond with what you found interesting and why.
                        3. Session 8
                          1. Evaluation
                            1. Each post is worth 10 points if all these criteria are met: Attend and participate in the interview, Posted before the deadline, Post addresses all the topics/issues listed in the assignment Students responds to threes posts left by others students in the class
                            2. Requirements
                              1. 1. Attend and participate in the interview. 2. Post the responses to your blog. 3. Comment on three other student's blogs and respond with what you find interesting.
                              2. Interaction
                                1. Student-to-Student: Blog Student-to-Content: Document Student-to-Instructor: Email, Blog, Skype
                                2. Media/Links
                                  1. Interview (VIdeo), Post Interview Reflection Assignment (PDF), Skype, Bloglist
                                  2. Process
                                    1. 1. Listen to the podcast or read the document. 2. Prepare for interview by going over the notes from previous weeks. 3. Log onto the synchronous call. 4. Post your responses to post interview question on your blog.
                                    2. Introduction
                                      1. There are several different types of interview processes and one of the most common is a one-on-one interview. This week you will experience and participate in a one-on-one interview.
                                    3. Session 7
                                      1. Introduction
                                        1. This week you will prepare for one of the careers that you previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing
                                          1. Goal: To identify, develop and prepare candidates to succeed in an interview
                                          2. Process
                                            1. 1. View the How to Prepare for an Interview PowerPoint Presentation. 2. Go back to the three careers you previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing. 3. Select one of the three (or all ) careers and respond to the interview questions as if you were interviewing for that position. 4. Post Your responses on your blog.
                                            2. Evaluation
                                              1. Each post is worth 10 points if all these criteria are met: Posted before the deadline Post addresses all the topics/issues listed in the assignment Students responds to threes posts left by others students in the class
                                              2. Requirements
                                                1. 1. Post the responses to your blog. 2. Comment on three other student's blogs and respond with what you found interesting.
                                                2. Media/Links
                                                  1. How to Prepare for an Interview (PowerPoint), Interview Questions (PDF), Bloglist
                                                  2. Interaction
                                                    1. Student-to-Student: Blog Student-to-Content: Document Student-to-Instructor: Email, Blog
                                                  3. Session 5
                                                    1. Evaluation
                                                      1. Each post is worth 10 points if all these criteria are met: Posted before the deadline, Post addresses all the topics/issues listed in the assignment, Students responds to three posts left by other students in the class
                                                      2. Introduction
                                                        1. This week you will create a cover letter for one of the careers you previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing.
                                                        2. Requirements
                                                          1. 1. Post the cover letter on your blog 2. Comment on three other student’s blogs and respond with what you found interesting about the cover letter and why.
                                                          2. Process
                                                            1. 1. Listen to the podcast or read the document 2. Go back to the three careers you previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing 3. Create a cover letter for one of the three (or all) careers 4. Post your cover letter on your blog.
                                                            2. Interaction
                                                              1. Student-to-Student: Blog Student-to-Content: Document Student-to-Content: Email, Blog
                                                              2. Media/Links
                                                                1. Writing a Cover Letter (Podcast) (Word), Cover Letter(Sample), Cover Letter Assignment (PDF), Bloglist (Website)
                                                              3. Session 6
                                                                1. Evaluation
                                                                  1. Each post is worth 10 points if all these criteria are met: Posted before the deadline, Post addresses all the topics/issues listed in the assignment, Students responds to three posts left by other students in the class
                                                                  2. Requirements
                                                                    1. 1. Create an account and log into the test call 2. Post the responses on your blog 3. Comment on three other student’s blogs and respond with what you found interesting and why.
                                                                    2. Introduction
                                                                      1. This week you will refer back to one of the careers you previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing and prepare for an interview.
                                                                      2. Process
                                                                        1. 1. View the PowerPoint presentation 2. Go back to the three careers you previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing 3. Select one of the three (or all) careers and respond to the interview questions as if you were interviewing for that position 4. Create an account on Skype and log into the test call 5. Post your responses on your blog.
                                                                        2. Media/Links
                                                                          1. Interview Skills and Techniques (PowerPoint) (Word), Interview Questions (PDF), Skype (Website), Bloglist (Website)
                                                                          2. Interaction
                                                                            1. Student-to-Student: Blog Student-to-Content: Presentation, Document Student-to-Content: Email, Blog
                                                                          3. Session 1
                                                                            1. Introduction
                                                                              1. This course is intended to guide an individual through the complexities of career explorations and choices. This course is designed for students, as well as professionals, so in this course you explore potential careers, create a resume and cover letter, prepare for an interview and master the skills necessary to be successful in that interview.
                                                                              2. Process
                                                                                1. 1. Click on the Course Orientation webpage and read the document 2. Create a blog 3. Write an introduction about yourself 4. Post your introduction on you blog 5. Email a link to your blog to 6. Post a response to 3 of your peers’ blogs 7. Begin exploring the career websites 8. Complete the survey.
                                                                                2. Media/Links
                                                                                  1. Course Orientation (Webpage), Introduction (Webpage), California Career Zone (Webpage), O*Net (Webpage), Mapping Your Future (Webpage), Session 1 Evaluation (Survey), Blogger (Website), WordPress (Website), Bloglist (Website)
                                                                                  2. Interaction
                                                                                    1. Student-to-Student: Blog Student-to-Content: Document, Webpage Student-to-Content: Email, Blog
                                                                                    2. Requirements
                                                                                      1. 1. Post the responses on your blog 2. Comment on three other student’s blogs and respond with what you found interesting about the introduction and why.
                                                                                      2. Evaluation
                                                                                        1. Each post is worth 10 points if all these criteria are met: Posted before the deadline, Post addresses all the topics/issues listed in the assignment, Students responds to three posts left by other students in the class
                                                                                      3. Session 2
                                                                                        1. Introduction
                                                                                          1. This week you will explore and select careers you are be interested in pursuing and find useful information in career planning.
                                                                                          2. Process
                                                                                            1. 1. Explore 2-3 Career websites, 2. Select 3 careers you find interesting and thinking about pursuing, 3. Create 3 discussions threads and label each thread according to the career name, 4. Post your response on your blog.
                                                                                            2. Media/Links
                                                                                              1. Career Exploration (Video)(Word) Career Exploration Assignment (PDF) California Career Zone (Webpage) O*Net (Webpage) Mapping Your Future (Webpage) Bloglist (Website)
                                                                                              2. Interaction
                                                                                                1. Student-to-Student: Blog Student-to-Content: Document Student-to-Instructor: Email, Blog
                                                                                                2. Evaluation
                                                                                                  1. Each career discussion is worth 10 points if all these criteria are met: Posted before the deadline Discussion addresses all the topics/issues listed in the assignment Students responds to threes posts left by others students in the class
                                                                                                  2. Requirements
                                                                                                    1. Post your discussion on Blackboard Comment on three other career threads and respond with what you found interesting about the career and why.
                                                                                                  3. Session 4
                                                                                                    1. Introduction
                                                                                                      1. This week you will create your own resume for one of the careers previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing.
                                                                                                      2. Evaluation
                                                                                                        1. This week your discussion will be evaluated using the following online rubric: (Refer to website for a complete breakdown of the rubric)
                                                                                                        2. Process
                                                                                                          1. 1. Listen to the podcast or read the document 2. Go back to the three careers you previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing 3. Create a resume for one of three careers 4. Post your resume on your blog 5. Post a summary on your reason(s) for your design/outline of your resume 6. Critique your peer’s resume.
                                                                                                          2. Requirements
                                                                                                            1. 1. Post the resume on your blog 2. Post a summary on your reason(s) for your design/outline of your resume 3. Comment on three other student’s blogs and respond with what you found interesting about the letter and why. Please Note: Maximum word count per post is 250
                                                                                                            2. Interaction
                                                                                                              1. Student-to-Student: Blog Student-to-Content: Document. Podcast Student-to-Content: Email, Blog
                                                                                                              2. Media/Links
                                                                                                                1. Resume Writing (Podcast) (Word), Assignment (PDF), Course Evaluation (Survey), Bloglist (Website)
                                                                                                              3. Session 3
                                                                                                                1. Introduction
                                                                                                                  1. This week you will explore in detail the three careers you selected as interesting and worth pursuing, interview a person in that field and refine your career planning.
                                                                                                                  2. Process
                                                                                                                    1. 1.Go back to the three careers you previously selected as interesting and worth pursuing 2.Locate a professional in each career you selected. 3.Interview the professional in person with the questions provided. 4.Submit verification of interview via email to 5.Post your interviews on your blog.
                                                                                                                    2. Media/Links
                                                                                                                      1. True Colors Assessment (PDF), Interview Questions (Word), California Career Zone (Webpage), O*Net (Webpage), Mapping Your Future (Webpage), Rubric (Word), Bloglist (Website)
                                                                                                                      2. Evaluation
                                                                                                                        1. Each post is worth 10 points if all these criteria are met: •Posted before the deadline •Submit verification of interview via email (Business card, company brochure, etc.) •Post addresses all the topics/issues listed in the assignment •Students responds to threes posts left by others students in the class
                                                                                                                        2. Requirements
                                                                                                                          1. 1.Post the all three Q &A interviews on your blog 2.Comment on three other student's blogs and respond with what you found interesting about the career and why.
                                                                                                                          2. Interaction
                                                                                                                            1. Student-to-Student:Blog Student-to-Content: Document Student-to-Instructor: Email, Blog
                                                                                                                        3. Syllabus
                                                                                                                          1. Orientaion
                                                                                                                            1. Introduction
                                                                                                                            Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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