Input, output and storage Devices


Mapa Mental sobre Input, output and storage Devices, creado por Ashton Stokes el 11/05/2016.
Ashton Stokes
Mapa Mental por Ashton Stokes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ashton Stokes
Creado por Ashton Stokes hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Input, output and storage Devices
  1. input devices
    1. keyboard.
      1. When you press a key (1), its switch completes a certain electrical circuit (2). A processor (like a tiny computer) inside the keyboard records which circuits were completed and in what order. Then it sends that information to your computer.
      2. chip and pin device
        1. A chip embedded into your debit or credit card is at the heart of Chip & PIN. Chip technology uses sophisticated processing to identify genuine cards and makes counterfeiting more complex and expensive
        2. mouse
          1. you drag it round and it shows it on the screen
          2. Xbox one
            1. x box one controlar works by playing a game preesing buttons so it shows on the monerter
            2. microphone
              1. so speak
              2. scaner .
                1. The light passes through the scanner lens and reaches the CCD sensors.
                2. camera
                  1. . A camera basically consists of a lightproof box that lets in a bit of light at just the right moment. Once the light enters the camera, it creates an image by causing a chemical reaction on photo film.
                  2. bar code reader
                    1. reads things from the shop
                    2. optical pen
                      1. use the laser to guide the mouse
                      2. joystick
                        1. so it can be used for a game
                      3. output
                        1. monerter
                          1. shows images on the computer screen so you can see what's happaning
                          2. speakers
                            1. it gets info from the disk and sends it to the speaker so it starts playing the loud music
                            2. headphones
                              1. plug it it to your device and lisen to it
                              2. laser printer
                                1. it scans the item on the screen making it three D
                                2. web camera
                                  1. where if you pressa button it will take a picture
                                  2. DvD player
                                    1. playing a movie through the monerter like toy story
                                    2. projecter
                                      1. shows things on the screen at the movies from the projecter
                                      2. ploter
                                        1. plotters draw line art onto the surface of the paper to reproduce vector graphics drawn on a computer.
                                        2. printer
                                          1. it has a light scaning back and forth making a pattern
                                        3. storage devices
                                          1. USB
                                            1. stores data from DVD, music and games
                                            2. DvD
                                              1. it has a mount of storage so it plays on the DVD player
                                              2. Sim card
                                                1. gives you your phone number and a bit more storage
                                                2. hardDrive
                                                  1. is a storage device using a USB connection device
                                                  2. memory card
                                                    1. stores data for your phone and other technolige
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