PHYS 2010 Exam 1


ch 1-4
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Creado por evas hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

PHYS 2010 Exam 1
  1. Ch 1: Introduction
    1. Problem solving techniques
        1. k=known
          1. u=unknown
            1. d=definition
              1. o=outpout
                1. s=substantiation
      2. Scientific notation
        1. significant ifgures
          1. unit conversions
            1. dimensions
              1. dimensional analysis
              2. vectors
                1. direction= tan-1(cy/cx)
                  1. magnitude=(cx^2 + cy^2)^1/2
                    1. x & y components SohCahToa
                  2. CH2: Motion, forces and newton's laws
                    1. Aristotle's Mechanics
                      1. He believed that motion is caused by forces and that forces are produced by contact with other objects.
                        1. v=F/R
                          1. INCORRECT
                      2. What is motion?
                        1. Defined in terms of various concepts
                          1. Position
                            1. Velocity
                              1. Acceleration
                                1. how velocity changes with time
                                  1. average and instantaneous accelerations
                                    1. average a= delta v/ delta t
                                      1. instant a= slope of velocity time curve at a point of interest
                                  2. speed and direction of object
                                    1. average and instantaneous velocities
                                      1. average v= delta x / delta t
                                        1. instant v= slope of position time curve at a point of interest
                                    2. Describes location relative to a reference point
                                      1. Displacement= final position - initial position
                                2. The Principle of Inertia
                                  1. An object will stay in motion unless acted on by a force
                                  2. Newton's Laws of Motion
                                    1. 3 laws
                                      1. 1st Law: if total force=zero, the object will maintain its velocity forever
                                        1. 2nd Law: Total Force= mass * acceleration
                                          1. 3rd Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
                                        2. Thinking about the laws of nature
                                          1. Classical regime
                                            1. includes terrestrial objects
                                              1. use Newton's Laws
                                            2. quantum regime
                                              1. include atoms and their components
                                                1. quantum mechanics must be used
                                          2. Chapter 4: Forces and Motion in 2 and 3 dimensions
                                            1. Statics
                                              1. Translational Equilibrium occurs when both the velocity and the acceleration are zero
                                                1. The sum of all forces = F1 + F2 +F3, etc = 0
                                                  1. Due to no motion, both X and Y components of each force may be considered = 0
                                              2. Projectile Motion
                                                1. Parabolic motion pattern
                                                  1. Forces due to gravity in the x direction are zero, but for the y direction, there is always gravity acting upon the projectile
                                                    1. F(gravity) = - mass (acceleration due to gravity)
                                                      1. Force of Gravity = g = -9.8 m/s/s
                                                  2. Projectile = Something that is thrown, dropped, or otherwise has a mass and is affected by gravity whilst in flight
                                                    1. "projectile motion is simply two cases of motion with constant acceleration: one along x and one along y"
                                                    2. Reference Frame
                                                      1. The perspective by which motion is observed
                                                        1. "the observers choice of coordinate system for making measurements"
                                                        2. Multiple reference frames can be applied to a single motion, so it is important to define this before starting to work out the phyics
                                                        3. Relative Velocity
                                                          1. the velocity relative to the frame of reference
                                                          2. Further applications
                                                            1. Travel down an incline
                                                              1. break forces into components
                                                                1. Only two forces present: Gravity and the normal force
                                                                2. Adding to Friction
                                                                  1. Add friction to incline problems by using it as a force that opposes the motion
                                                                    1. When the object is in motion, Friction is KINETIC friction
                                                                      1. When object is static, friction is STATIC friction
                                                                      2. Friction can be found after the normal force is found by using the incline method below
                                                                      3. Pulleys and Cables
                                                                        1. Exert tension
                                                                          1. Tension is redirected normal force in many situations
                                                                            1. If two objects are connected by a single rope/chain/cord/string, then the tension force is the same throughout the rope/chain/cord/string
                                                                            2. Find acceleration by using Newton's 2nd Law
                                                                        2. Ch 3: Forces and Motion in One dimension
                                                                          1. Forces
                                                                            1. Norma andl Mass
                                                                              1. Mass must be measured in kilograms when using Newtons
                                                                                1. Normal force is always perpendicular to the surface
                                                                                  1. Gravity affects a mass's force
                                                                                  2. Friction
                                                                                    1. Static Friction
                                                                                      1. Friction equals coefficient of static friction multiplied by the normal force
                                                                                      2. Kinetic Friction
                                                                                        1. Friction equals coefficient of static multiplied by the normal force
                                                                                      3. Free Fall
                                                                                        1. 3 main equations
                                                                                          1. d=vi(t)+(1/2)at^2
                                                                                            1. a=(vf-vi)/t
                                                                                              1. vf^2=vi^2+2ad
                                                                                              2. The measure of an objects initial and final velocity, distance, fine, acceleration when falling or being thrown vertically
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