The Tolerant Individual (Forst)


A Levels (Tolerance) Philosophy Mapa Mental sobre The Tolerant Individual (Forst), creado por rlshindmarsh el 23/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por rlshindmarsh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por rlshindmarsh hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Tolerant Individual (Forst)
  1. Components
    1. Objection
      1. To tolerate something we must initially object to it on a personal principle
      2. Acceptance
        1. This is balanced by our acceptance that for whatever reason, the objectionable activity must freely continue
        2. Rejection
          1. Tolerance must have limits, so if the objectionable action/belief break the limits of acceptability, we must stop it
        3. Conceptions
          1. Permission
            1. Where a majority makes concessions to a minority, but rights are unequal/could be taken away.
              1. In 1950s USA, a white person might not give black people the right to ride in the front of buses, but thinks that slavey is too extreme
              2. could just be seen as another means of asserting dominance 'tyranny of the majority'
              3. Co-existence
                1. two groups with similar power compromise to facilitate peace/social stabilty
                  1. Religious Peace of Augsburg 1555
                  2. does not necessarily mean they respect eachother
                  3. Respect
                    1. Formal Equality (assimilation)
                      1. Cultural differences are limited to the private sphere.
                        1. wearing of Burqas in France
                      2. Qualitative Equality (integration)
                        1. Some public concessions made.
                          1. Sikhs allowed not to wear helmets on motorbikes in Britain
                        2. Fraternal/equal attitude to opponent.
                        3. Esteem
                          1. There is respect or esteem for certain aspects of the practice of an opponent.
                            1. Admiring the courage of a soldier but disagreeing with his cause.
                            2. However there still is objection
                          2. Not Tolerance
                            1. Indifference
                              1. you cannot tolerate something you don't specifically object to/have no opinion on
                                1. a person cannot tolerate racist comments if they find nothing objectionable within the comments
                              2. Indulgence
                                1. allowing something we disapprove of because we are fond of the person and want to 'indulge' them
                                  1. if a parent allows a child to misbehave frequently because they don't want to tell them off
                                2. Weakness
                                  1. the inability to prevent something implies an inability to tolerate it
                                    1. being afraid to/inable to express disapproval or change the actions of the person you disapprove of.
                                      1. a person in an abusive relationship cannot tolerate their partner's behaviour
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