Los pueblos Precolombinos / The Pre-columbian peoples.
Son los pueblos que habitaban en América del sur y centro antes de la llegada de los españoles en 1492. Destacan tres culturas / They are the peoples who were living in South America and center before the arrival of the Spanish in 1492. Three cultures stand out
Los mayas / The Maya
Habitaban en la península del Yucatán y zonas del actual México y Guatemala / They were living in the peninsula of the Yucatan and zones of the current Mexico and Guatemala
La llegada de los españoles su cultura se encontraba en decadencia / The arrival of the Castilians his culture was in decadence.
Se organizan en ciudades-Estado gobernadas por un jefe supremo que residía Mayapán / They are organized in cities - States governed by a supreme chief who was residing Mayapán.
Pinturas murales de Bonampak (Chiapas) / Bonampak's wall paintings (Chiapas)
Arte y cultura / Art and culture
Son expertos en las matemáticos y astrónomos y observaban el cielo desde su pirámides escalonadas.
Tiene su propio sistema de escritura basado en jeroglíficos.
La religión / The religion
Dioses principales: el dios de la lluvia (Chac) o el del viento (Kukulcan). En su honor se practicaban sacrificios humanos / Principal gods: the god of the rain (Chac) or that of the wind (Kukulcan). In his honor human sacrifices were practised.
Los incas
Un gran imperio que abarcaba los países de Perú, Bolivia, parte de Ecuador y norte de Chile y Argentina / A great empire that was including the countries of Peru, Bolivia, part of Ecuador and north of Chile and Argentina.
Ante de la llegada de los conquistadores europeos ,vivían una etapa esplendor / Before of the arrival of the European conquerors, they were living through a stage brilliance.
Sociedad y cultura / Company and culture
Las ciudades se comunicaban con una red de carreteras / The cities were communicating with a network of roads.
La sociedad se organizaba en clanes / La sociedad se organizaba en clanes
El jefe supremo era considerado el hijo del sol / The supreme chief was considered to be the son of the Sun
Dioses importante: Viracocha y Pacha Mama Viracocha / Gods importantly: Viracocha and Pasha Sucks Viracocha
Cuzco era la capital del imperio inca
Los aztecas / The Aztecs
Se asentaron en el valle de México a partir del siglo XII / They settled themselves in the valley of Mexico from the 12th century.
Capital Tenochtitlán / The capital Tenochtitlán
Se organizaba en tribus / One was organizing in tribes
Su economía era del maíz / His economy was of the maize
Realizaban sacrificios humanos / They realized human sacrifices
Cobraban tributos y esclavizaban a los pueblos vecinos / They were receiving taxes and were enslaving the neighboring peoples
La religión
Su principal dios era Quetzalcóatl (la serpiente halada) dios creador que enseño la agricultura / His principal god was A Quetzalcóatl (the pulled serpent) creative god that I teach the agriculture
Consideraron a Hernán Cortés un enviado de los dioses / They considered Hernán Cortés to be an envoy of the gods.