Financial Markets


Masters The Economics of European Financial Regulation Mapa Mental sobre Financial Markets, creado por Jules Landrieu el 03/06/2016.
Jules Landrieu
Mapa Mental por Jules Landrieu, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jules Landrieu
Creado por Jules Landrieu hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Financial Markets
  1. financial innovation
    1. securities lending
      1. Hedge Funds
        1. AIFMD
          1. non-UCITS funds
            1. UCITS fund: allow small investor to have access to the market
              1. collective investment schemes
          2. don't own what they sell
            1. uses short-selling: more efficient markets and resolve mispricing
            2. crisis: HF borrower short-selling
              1. defaulted + value of the collateral did not cover the losses
                1. domino effect
                2. help market to operate more efficiently
                  1. HF can help resolve mispricing
                    1. lender always has the right of ownership
                      1. lending fee
                3. reduc. costs
                  1. better allocation of risk
                    1. improve access for consumers
                      1. better choice & decisions
                        1. response to unmet need for consumers
                          1. more efficient allocation of resources
                            1. FSUG
                  2. securitization: allows for unitization
                    1. offload bad loans from balance sheet
                      1. Credit Risk Diversification
                        1. SPVs
                          1. information asymetry
                            1. loans with misprice risks
                              1. skin in the game
                                1. alignment of interest between the arrangers and investors (at least 5% of the asset pool)
                      2. (concentrating on a very small scale economics exposure
                        1. accessible to individual small investors
                      3. derivatives
                        1. hedge risk
                          1. insuring against price movements
                          2. speculate on fin. market
                            1. option to sell/buy at a special time
                            2. OTC: systemic
                              1. modified exposure
                                1. ETF: Exchange-Traded Fund
                                  1. transparent
                                    1. liquid
                                      1. increases volatility
                                  2. 60% of cross-border capital flows have fallen
                                    1. trends
                                      1. financial globalisation
                                        1. rise of market-based finance
                                          1. financial innovation (product & techniques)
                                            1. high frequency trading
                                              1. lower transaction costs
                                                1. destabilize economy
                                                2. democratisation of finance
                                                  1. fin. repression & re-regulation of fin.
                                                  2. measure integration
                                                    1. cost of capital should be the same across EU
                                                      1. price convergence among the states
                                                        1. volume of cross border flows
                                                          1. no more trading costs
                                                          2. bank balance sheet
                                                            1. assets
                                                              1. loans
                                                                1. reserves
                                                                  1. Core tier 1: 7.5% & 10%
                                                                2. liabilities
                                                                  1. deposits
                                                                    1. loans from other banks
                                                                      1. capital
                                                                        1. issue equity & bonds
                                                                          1. EONIA
                                                                      2. unfunded liabilities
                                                                        1. + asset side
                                                                          1. - liability side
                                                                          2. excess liquidity
                                                                            1. overvaluation of stocks
                                                                          3. 3 kinds of loans
                                                                            1. Good (default >10%)
                                                                              1. Medium (10%-30%)
                                                                                1. Bad (<30%)
                                                                                2. Branch vs subsidiary
                                                                                  1. subsidiary: separately capitalized. Regulated by Host MS
                                                                                    1. Host: determines capital req. + decision of lender of last resort
                                                                                    2. branch: regulated by Home MS
                                                                                    3. Global ageing
                                                                                      1. a need to invest in fin. markets to get the money that we need for retirement
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                                                                                      Capítulo III. Procesos de dirección de proyectos
                                                                                      CIUDADES II...
                                                                                      JL Cadenas
                                                                                      Los Derechos Humanos
                                                                                      FARMACOLOGÍA DE LA MUSCULATURA ESQUELETICA
                                                                                      ESTILOS DE ARQUITECTURA
                                                                                      andres silva a
                                                                                      La diversidad y el juego
                                                                                      ROSA MARIA ARRIAGA
                                                                                      3. La independencia de la América Hispana (1808-1826)
                                                                                      METODOLOGÍA DE LA ENSEÑANZA
                                                                                      Francisco Vergara
                                                                                      ARQUITECTURA DE COMPUTADORA
                                                                                      jose santos