Explain why the crusader state of Edessa collapsed in 1144


A level The Crusades Mapa Mental sobre Explain why the crusader state of Edessa collapsed in 1144, creado por Alan Thomson el 21/02/2014.
Alan Thomson
Mapa Mental por Alan Thomson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alan Thomson
Creado por Alan Thomson hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Explain why the crusader state of Edessa collapsed in 1144
  1. Introduction
    1. On 24 December 1144 Imad ad-Din Zengi, the Muslim ruler of Aleppo and Mosul, captured the Frankish city of Edessa, leading to the fall of the oldest of the Crusader states.
    2. short-term reasons for collapse
      1. The loss of the county of Edessa, the most exposed and isolated of the crusader states was the result of a power vacuum, a lack of powerful allies, and a weakness of leadership.
        1. Emperor John of Byzantium and King Fulk of Jerusalem and had died in 1142 and 1143 respectively, the new Emperor Manuel was busy securing his throne.
          1. Jerusalem’s regency government was led by a woman, Queen Melisende – a relief army was sent north from Jerusalem but it arrived too late, the city had fallen.
      2. Count Joscelin was to blame
        1. Edessa was also lost because of the behaviour of its Count, Joscelin
          1. He was actually absent on a raiding party when Zengi attacked, leaving the city short of troops, also he had quarrelled with both his neighbours, Raymond, Prince of Antioch, so no help was forthcoming from there.
            1. Joscelin had also quarreled with Raymond II of Tripoli, leaving Edessa with no powerful allies or local support.
        2. Long-term, structural weaknesses
          1. The crusader states, especially those in the north, also faced long term structural weaknesses of geography and manpower.
            1. Edessa lacked defendable borders and was short of manpower – especially after the battle of the field of blood in 1119.
          2. Muslim unity
            1. Another long-term weakness was the rise of muslim unity in northern syria
              1. Zengi, the Emir of Mosul was an able and ambitious warrior, but he also used the religious concept of Jihad to unite Syria under the banner of Islam.
                1. He was the first Muslim leader ruthless and able enough to combine the disparate forces of Syria. In doing so he broke the mould of Frankish invincibility.
                  1. By 1128 he had secured control of the city of Aleppo
                    1. During the 1130s he attempted to capture Damascus, but when that city allied itself with the Kingdom of Jerusalem he turned his attention northwards...to Edessa.
            2. Conclusion
              1. Finally, Edessa was lost in the 1144 because it was isolated, the most northerly and least populated of the crusader states.
                1. It was doomed above all by Count Joscelin’s absence in December 1144 and Raymond, prince of Antioch’s refusal to help defend the city.
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