Golden Rules of CV


Mapa Mental sobre Golden Rules of CV, creado por Jonathan Moore el 09/06/2016.
Jonathan Moore
Mapa Mental por Jonathan Moore, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jonathan Moore
Creado por Jonathan Moore hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Golden Rules of CV
  1. No spelling/grammatical errors
    1. accuracy and attention to detail
      1. Don't use colour/funky font
        1. Use key words to emphasis skills/points
          1. Don't use same words over again
          2. Proof read
            1. Spell check
              1. No excuse to have any errors
              2. Simple, clear formatting
                1. Keep it well organised
                  1. highlight key words
                    1. Dont go over-board with boarders/backgrounds
                    2. Keep it concise and to the point
                      1. be clear, concise and have impact
                        1. only relevant info
                          1. Keep sentences/paragraphs short and snappy
                            1. Make sure its up-to-date
                            2. Don't Lie
                              1. Use real life examples
                                1. Back up skills with relevant experience
                                  1. Use references as support
                                  2. No longer than 2 A4 pages
                                    1. No long explanations
                                      1. excess info may rule you out of getting job
                                      2. DON'T INCLUDE
                                        1. Photo
                                          1. Age
                                            1. Height
                                              1. Martial Status
                                                1. Health Situation (unless required)
                                                  1. Date you sent/made CV on
                                                  2. MUST INCLUDE
                                                    1. Contact details
                                                      1. Name
                                                        1. Home Address
                                                          1. Phone number
                                                            1. Serious Email address
                                                              1. Not one from when you were a child
                                                                1. eg:
                                                            2. Education History
                                                              1. Overal exam results
                                                                1. Summarised, not listed
                                                                2. Most recent first
                                                                3. Qualifications
                                                                  1. Employment history
                                                                    1. eg: Internships, voluntary, paid, placement
                                                                      1. length of time spent working in each job
                                                                    2. References
                                                                    3. Tailor CV for specific job
                                                                      1. adapt skills listed for different jobs
                                                                        1. Graphic designer and bar tender require different CVs
                                                                        2. Do your homework on company you are applying for
                                                                          1. Take note of skills required
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