Problems with fianance


AS-level (Louis XIV) History Mapa Mental sobre Problems with fianance, creado por s_phie5 el 23/02/2014.
Mapa Mental por s_phie5, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por s_phie5 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Problems with fianance
  1. Nature of france-
    1. no uniformity
      1. tax levels
        1. variation in currency
          1. d'etat and d'elections
          2. Burden of war
            1. melt down silver in versaille
              1. sales of office increased=tax exept
                1. tax increased
                2. borrowing money at high levels
                  1. agriculture
                    1. lack of investment
                      1. land exhustion=rural poverty
                        1. pressure on poorest to pay rent and tax
                        2. levle of dept
                          1. 1661=451 million livres
                            1. 1715=2000 million livres
                            2. "those who could the least paid most"-wilkinson
                              1. tax exemption of 1st and 2nd estate
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