The Worm - Audioslave


Hard rock analysis of The Worm
Ellie Humberstone
Mapa Mental por Ellie Humberstone, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ellie Humberstone
Creado por Ellie Humberstone hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Worm - Audioslave
  1. Dynamics
    1. Loud
    2. Rhythm
      1. Guitar
        1. Plays repeated riffs
        2. Drum
          1. Drum fill at the end of the song
            1. Emphasis on the backbeat
          2. Structure
            1. Strophic Form
              1. Verse and chorus form
              2. Melody / Metre
                1. 4/4
                  1. Lead Male Vocals
                  2. Instrumentation
                    1. Drums / Percussion
                      1. Bass Drum
                        1. Snare Drum
                          1. Hi - Hat
                          2. Electric Guitar
                            1. Overdrive
                            2. Bass Guitar
                              1. Vocals
                                1. Male
                                  1. Screaming/ shouting
                                    1. Backing vocals near end
                                  2. Tempo
                                    1. 68 BPM
                                      1. Medium - slow
                                      2. Harmony
                                        1. Backing vocals add new melody
                                          1. Elec. guitar plays solo after second chorus
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