Participate observation


Sociology Mapa Mental sobre Participate observation, creado por grace_craggs el 25/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por grace_craggs, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por grace_craggs hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Participate observation
  1. About participate observation
    1. researcher participates in group activities
      1. Can be covert or overt
        1. recorded by field notes
          1. researcher has to start with open mind
          2. Interpretivists
            1. like participate observation as they want to discover social meanings of actions
              1. Use qualitative data and open ended methods to produce valid data
                1. participation in activities allow understanding of actions
                  1. Positivists
                    1. Positivists believe that PO lacks reliability and representativeness therefore dislikes the method
                2. Advantages
                  1. Naturalistic approach
                    1. making group act more like wise making the data more valid
                    2. time period
                      1. due to the time period being long researcher can establish what is the private face
                      2. Openess
                        1. PO are open and flexible directed by the subject rather then researcher
                          1. making interviewer effect unlikely
                        2. Insight in group
                          1. sharing experiences can get a more valid authentic picture
                          2. Richly detailed data
                            1. easier to study closed groups
                              1. Flexibilty
                              2. Disadvantages
                                1. Unrepresentative
                                  1. It is hard to put on a bigger sample
                                    1. often one of samples on a in depth topic
                                    2. Unreliable
                                      1. Its hard to replicate as unstructured qualitative data
                                      2. Hawthorne effect
                                        1. observers presence can effect participates reactions.
                                        2. Native
                                          1. interviewer may be affected by the group, interpretving actions wrong
                                          2. Ethical issues
                                            1. participates aren't usually given information about observation
                                              1. Example humprheys study for gay sex in public toilets
                                              2. Covert observer may have to witness illegal actions
                                                1. As in a group often difficult to remain anonymous.
                                                2. Getting in
                                                  1. hard to get into a group for example a gang is hard to get in without finding the key member
                                                    1. Staying in
                                                      1. If covert observation- you have to be there a while, this may effect your memory and affect validity
                                                      2. Getting out
                                                        1. Often hard to know whether you are in or out and difficult to leave to remain secretity
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