Blended Learning


This is a mind map for the challenges and my solutions to blended learning.
Mapa Mental por c1soccerlover, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por c1soccerlover hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Blended Learning
  1. Challenge: Small, rural school
    1. Challenge: Not all children will have access to internet at home
      1. Make time available before and after school for those students that don't have internet access at home
        1. Don't make blended learning assignments worth a lot of points
        2. Challenge: Funding
          1. Some schools won't have the funding to provide every student with technology so use the computers at school for blended learning
            1. Have fundraisers to raise money for technology in the classroom
            2. Challenge: Grade Level
              1. Depending on the grade level depends on how much the students will have blended learning
                1. Teachers need to research what to have the students do for their blended learning
              2. Challenge: Technology disruption
                1. Students will use their technology when I'm trying to teach
                  1. Have the students use the technology to play educational games about what I am teaching after I am done teaching
                    1. Use videos, like TEDtalks, to help explain what I am teaching
                      1. At the beginning of class and the end of class let the students search information about an interesting topic they learned that day or the day before.
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