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Weaknesses of the Royalists
The weaknesses of the royalists including political (blue) financial (green) and military (red)
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english civil war
e: 2.1- war and radicalism
Mapa Mental por
Declan Wiseman
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Declan Wiseman
hace más de 8 años
Resumen del Recurso
Weaknesses of the Royalists
Role of the King
Frequently ignored advice of experienced military leaders
Sided with Prince Rupert (23 yr old nephew) vs Earl of Lindsey (60 yr old wat vet)
Causing Lindsey to resign
Over cavalry attack
Rupert leads disorganised cavalry advance that fails
Did not resolve feud between Digby and Rupert, leading members of Council of War
So faction and rivalries undermined the common cause
Council of War ineffective
In fighting
State of "paralysis"
Not a good man manager
1644- Royalist Parliament gave assent on excise tax on 'everie pynt of aquavytie or strong watteris sold within the country'
Loose cannons such as General George Goring
Did not obey orders
Charles acted indecisively in dealing with them
More interested in plundering at the expense of victory
Poor war leader
Descent upon London directly after Edgehill October 1642 might have won war
Delay allows Earl of Essex to circle round Royalist army, reaching London before them
Decision to turn back after stand-off at Turnham Green despite advtange in size, equipment of army
Authority of the Commissions of Array were legally dubious- ancient constitution
Raised individual counties, draining them of support for Royalists
Failed to achieve politcal settlement whilst he had superior resources early on
Longer it went on, less advantaged
All 6 commanders were grandees
Based on social status
Lack of significant foreign assistance
Henrietta Maria sent to France for material support
Failed due to their involvement in 30 yrs war
Plus navy in Parliaments control
Had to pawn jewelery
1 year truce 1643, Irish confederates
Disastrous military and propaganda results
Charles bolstered Parliamentarian cause, Parliament horrified of King's willingness to ally with Catholics
Employ mercenaries
Military alliance fails, so no alliances with anyone
Territory and resources
Troops infrequently paid deserted
JP's were relied on to squeeze more out of counties. Relies on them being energised for war effort
In areas of fighting
Inability to pay taxes
Morrill "financial thrombosis killed the Royalist cause" (clotting)
Clubmen movement
Favoured Parliamentarians as they looked like winning war
BC: Their activities were negative, neutralist and anti-war
Rural insurrectionaries wanted protection from plundering soldiers
Mostly from Royalist territory, dislocating Charles war effort
Controlled less wealthy territories
Did not control London
So no shipping
Relied on donations
if they collapse, campaign also collapses
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