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(Phonics Approach)


Mapa Mental sobre (Phonics Approach), creado por Alia Sam el 26/02/2014.
Alia Sam
Mapa Mental por Alia Sam, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alia Sam
Creado por Alia Sam hace casi 11 años
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Resumen del Recurso

(Phonics Approach)
  1. learn phonic sounds
    1. (e.g. 'ar' or 'ee')
    2. pronunciation rules
      1. (e.g. special 'e': cap + e = cape, hat + e = hate)
      2. read by breaking words up into their component sounds
        1. e.g. book is read 'b' 'oo' 'k')
        2. Idea
          1. to teach frequent, regular sound-spelling relationships systematically
            1. to expose the children to sentences and stories that contain a high percentage of the sounds they have learned so far
            2. phonic is often taught in mechanical way
              1. memorizing rules, repetition, reading and writing sentences that have little personal meaning for the children
                1. e.g. Tom and Ted sat
                2. behaviouristic
                  1. teachers protecting' children from making mistakes
                    1. focusing on rewards
                      1. teaching rather than stimulating students to learn
                3. Advantage
                  1. effective strategy for reading words that never seen before
                  2. focus on underlying patters not on knowledge
                    1. no need to memorize individual words one by one
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