Crypto U10 (part 2), Key Management and Lifecycle


(Unit 10 - Key Mgt Lifecycle) IYM002 Mapa Mental sobre Crypto U10 (part 2), Key Management and Lifecycle, creado por jjanesko el 27/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por jjanesko, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jjanesko hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Crypto U10 (part 2), Key Management and Lifecycle
  1. lifecycle (continued)
    1. key usage
      1. principle of key separation
        1. cryptographic keys must only be used for their intended purpose
          1. enforcing
            1. hardware based
              1. key tagging
                1. add information to key to indicate purpose
                2. key blocks
                  1. format key to also contain data related to the key
              2. key change
                1. planned vs. unplanned
                  1. sometimes it's better to withdraw key
                    1. can be expensive
                      1. symmetric keys can be replaced relatively easily
                        1. public key pairs
                          1. private keys can be replaced relatively easily
                            1. public keys are more challenging because they are distributed to many people potentially
                          2. key activation
                            1. process by which keys are authorized for use at any given time
                              1. ex. I enter a passphrase and that activates a key for use
                            2. key destruction
                              1. when?
                                1. at key expiration
                                  1. when key is withdrawn before expiry
                                    1. at the end of a period of key archival
                                    2. deleting is not enough
                                      1. use data erasure or data sanitisation mechanims
                                2. governing key managment
                                  1. guidance
                                    1. policy
                                      1. define overall requirements and strategy for key management
                                      2. practice
                                        1. Define tactics that will be used in order to achieve the key management policy goals.
                                        2. procedure
                                          1. Document step-by-step tasks necessary to implement the key management practices.
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                                      Crypto U10 (part 1), Key Management & Lifecycle
                                      Crypto U4, Block Cipher, Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
                                      Crypto U4, Block Cipher, Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC)
                                      Crypto U3, Theoretical vs. Practical Security
                                      Crypto U1, Basic Principles
                                      Crypto U4, Stream Cipher
                                      Crypto U4, Block Cipher, Counter Mode
                                      Crypto U4, Block Cipher, Electronic Codebook Mode (ECB)
                                      Crypto U2, Crypto design principles
                                      Crypto U8 (part 3), entity authentication
                                      Crypto U9, Cryptographic Protocols