mapping of the human geneme


Mapa Mental sobre mapping of the human geneme, creado por bethanycoultrip el 27/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por bethanycoultrip, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por bethanycoultrip hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

mapping of the human geneme
  1. money
    1. came from goverment and large drug compaines
    2. techology
      1. computerisation was vital both in analysing and recording data
        1. with out computer human genome project wouldnt been possible
          1. equipment can fit 5cd roms and pass around the world in mintues via internent
          2. teamwork
            1. research teams in eighteen contries took part led by usa, britain, japan, france and canada
              1. each team worked on a different part of human DNA.
            2. communication
              1. contries worked together
                1. usa, japan, france and canada
                2. human dna 80,000 books
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                Fichas de Inglés - Vocabulario Intermedio
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                Goya (1746-1828)
                Joaquín Ruiz Abellán
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                Inteligencia Emocional
                Freud: Pasión Secreta
                Ingeniería Industrial
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                Francisco Ochoa
                Inglés Exani II - Verbos Irregulares
                Gastón Amato
                Árbol genealógico de Zeus
                Las Alteraciones
                mariajesus camino
                REPRODUCTION I
                Nuria Prado Álvarez