Italy: The Rise of Fascism 1915-1945 Overview


Italy: The Rise of Fascism 1915-1945 Mapa Mental sobre Italy: The Rise of Fascism 1915-1945 Overview, creado por mercyhaggerty el 27/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por mercyhaggerty, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mercyhaggerty hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Italy: The Rise of Fascism 1915-1945 Overview
  1. Weakness of Liberal Italy
    1. The Unification of Italy
      1. 1870
      2. Problems facing Italy
        1. Division
          1. North
            1. Industrial
              1. Richer
              2. South
                1. Rural
                  1. Poverty
                2. Transformismo
                  1. Weak government
                    1. Coalitions
                      1. Challenged by:
                        1. Socialism
                          1. Catholicism
                            1. Nationalsim
                        2. Hostility of Catholic Church
                          1. Economic Weakness
                            1. Agricultural
                              1. Underdeveloped industry
                                1. Lack of resources
                            2. Liberal Italy on Eve of WWI
                              1. Divisions
                                1. Economic
                                  1. Political
                              2. The Rise of Fascism
                                1. WWI
                                  1. Italy joins with Britain, France and Russia 1915
                                    1. Promised territories
                                      1. Istria
                                        1. Dalmatia
                                          1. Tyrol
                                          2. Unprepared
                                            1. Encouraged by Nationalists
                                            2. Victories
                                              1. 1918 Vittorio Veneto
                                                1. Minor
                                              2. Defeats
                                                1. 1917 Caporetto
                                                  1. Humiliating
                                                2. Consequences
                                                  1. Debt
                                                    1. To Britain
                                                      1. To USA
                                                      2. Inflation
                                                        1. Middle classes lose savings
                                                        2. Industrial disputes
                                                          1. Stikes
                                                          2. Unemployment
                                                            1. Returning soldiers
                                                            2. Rise in support for Socialism
                                                          3. Threats to Italy
                                                            1. Socialism
                                                              1. Feared by:
                                                                1. Middle classes
                                                                  1. Industrialists
                                                                    1. Employers
                                                                      1. The Wealthy
                                                                    2. Mutilated Victory
                                                                      1. Nationalists
                                                                        1. Seizure of Fiume 1919
                                                                          1. D'Annunzio
                                                                        2. Soldiers
                                                                          1. Consequences of WWI
                                                                          2. Economic Disasters
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