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T022 Design Economics
T022 & T074 Mapa Mental sobre T022 Design Economics, creado por alison_patey0437 el 27/04/2013.
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Resumen del Recurso
T022 Design Economics
NRM 1 Estimating
Purpose of an Order of Cost
relates to RIBA A/B & OGC Gateway 1 (business justification) 2 (delivery strategy)
RIBA A/ Gateway 1
identify clients needs - prepare feasibility
RIBA B/Gateway 2
iden. client brief/procurement method/ other consultants engaged
Est. proposed building project affordability
Est. a cost limit
Max expenditure a client is willing to make
May be a need for alternative scenarios = cost options
Information Required fro OofC
From Employer
statement of bdg use
life span
details of enabling wrks
initial design brief
requirements 4 refurb
floor areas
site conditions
budget/cashflow constraints
restraints e.g. planning/stat auth/listed bdg
other e.g. CA/ land remediation
From Architect
sketches e.g. floor plans/ elevation/ sections
Sch of areas e.g. GEA/ GIFA/ NIA
Min storey height/ sch accomodation
suggested ground conditions
indicative services
initial risks
Process of OofC
1. facilitating wks est.
2. Building wrks est.
3. MC prelims
they define the scope of the works
inc. proj particulars, list of dwgs, des of site,
Preliminaries sections A54 - Prov sums; A10 Proj particulars
Considerations when assessing preliminaries
length of contract
location - access/ space res/ accomodation
type of proj: refurb/ new build/ large tower
size of proj
need 4 temp wrks
sectional completion
avalibility of services
4. Sub total
5. MC OH&P
6. Works Cost Estimate total
7. Proj/Design team fees
8. Sub-total
9. Other Dev/proj. cost est.
10. Base cost est. total
Base Cost Estimate
total Bdg wks + MC prelims + MC OH&P + Prj/design fees + other dev est.
11. Risk Allowances estimate
4 nr risk allowances
design dev
construction risks
emp. change risk
emp. other risk
allowance 4 risk & inflation r calc seperatley + add 2 base cost 2 determine cost limit
12. Cost Limit total (excl Inflation)
13. Tender inflation est.
you review inflation through the use of TPIs
tender price index
TPI reflect changes in level of pricing in lowest accepted tenders for new wks 2 take account of market cond. - compares with base date
14. Cost limit total (excl. construction inflation)
15. Construction inflation est.
16. Cost limit total (inc Inflation)
Measurement rules for Building Works
Floor area Method
Quants determined by measuring the GIFA
Measured & multiplied by an appropriate £/m2
c = a x b
a = GIIFA; b = cost/m2 of GIFA; c = Building cost estimate
GIFA in accordance with RICS code of measuring practice 6th ed
where building comprises of more than one bdg function = GIFA of each function calc seperately
you can then delineate party walls etc.
Ext wks measured separately as SA (Site Area)
Functional Unit method
units of measurement used to represent a prime use
each function inc necessary circulation space
Cost/ hotel rm; cost/ school child; cost/ hospital bed
c = a x b
a = no. of functional units; b = £/functional unit; c = building works estimate
Elemental method
alt approach 2 calc total est cost of bdg wks
considers maj elements and provides an OofC based on the breakdown of other similar buildings
cat. into group elements and elements
0 - Facilitating works
1 - substructures
ELEMENT: Substructure
2 - superstructures
ELEMENT: frame/ U.floors/ roof/ stairs & ramps/ Ext walls/ Windows & ext doors/ Int walls & partitions/ Int doors
3 - Internal finishes
ELEMENT: wall/ floor/ ceiling finishes
4 - FF&E
5 - Services
ELEMENT: Sanitary/ equip/ disposal/ water/ heat/ space heat & AC/ ventilation/ Electrical/ Fuel/ Lift/ Fire+lightning protection/ com, security & co
6 - prefab bdgs
7 - wks 2 ext bdg
8 - ext wks
c = a x b
a = EUQ; b = EUR; C = cost target
used for RIBA C or OGC Gateway 3A
provides a basis of the formal cost plan 1
EQR/EUR s/s by more detailed measure of elements
Measurement Rules
MC prelims
added as a %
derived from a considered assessment of cost analyses of previous bdg proj.
subbies Prelims are normally inc into unit rates
A list of MC inc in part 9 of NRM 1
they define the scope of the work
added as %
derived from a considered assessment of cost of previous bdg proj.
a list is inc in part 10 of NRM1
Proj/design fees
either inc/exl
list of fees in part 4 of NRM 1
added as a %
other dev/proj costs
e.g. insurances/ planning fees/ fees 4 party walls etc.
added as a lump sum
acertained in conjunction with client
risk exposure - as the design dev = more of proj defined & a risk response decided
risk avoidance
seriousness of risk consequences on proj is unacceptable
measures inc review of brief/ re-design
risk reduction
level of risk unacceptable
Action would be to reduce by: redesign/ further site investigation/ diff mat/ diff method of con/ change contract strategy
Risk Transfer
accepting risk would not be client value 4 money
transfer 2 a 3rd party
higher premium
e.g. insurance cover
Risk Sharing
client retains some risk
Risk retention
risk retained by client = called residual risk
risk allowances should NOT be a % but a properly considered assessment of the risk taking in 2 account completeness of design + other uncertainties
Allowances should be made for the following
Design Development risk
e.g. planning/ legal/ covenants/ 3rd party risks
Construction Risk
e.g. site conditions/ access restrictions/ boundaries/ extg bdgs
Employer change risk
e.g. chg in scope/ quality/ time
Employer other risks
e.g. early handover/ acceleration/ avalibility of funding
allowance should be made based on formal analysis e.g. risk register and Monte Carlo simulations
its possible to consider future effects of inflation on the base cost est. over a period of time
to date of tender
t = CL x p
p = % tender inflation (published indices TPI), BCI or retail price indices (RPI) or % derived from in-house sources
CL = cost limit; p = % for tender inflation; t = tender inflation estimate
mid-point of construction
c = CL x p
CL = cost limit (ex const infla); p = % 4 const infla; c = construction inflation est
is complex and recco excluded from OofC
NRM 1 Cost Planning
Purpose of cost planning
intrinsic with RIBA C/D, E/F & OGC gateway 3A & 3B
RIBA stage C & Gateway 3A
concept: implement concept design and outline proposals 4 structural & building services, outline spec, formal cost plan 1
RIBA stage D
Design development: update design, planning, completion of brief
RIBA Stage E & Gateway3B
Technical Design: prep of tech design and spec 2 coordinate components and elements of proj & info for stat standards
RIBA Stage F
Production Info: prep info ready for tender
main purpose
ensure emp. are provided with value for money
make clients & designers aware of cost consequences of their desires/ proposals
provide advice 2 designers to help them arrive 2 practical designs withn budget
keep expenditure within cost limit
robust cost info which the client can use 2 make informed decisions
Elemental cost planning/ cost planning
budget breakdown of the cost limit into cost targets for each element
its a statement of how the proj team proposes to distribute the availible budget amougst the elements of the building
its an iterative process which is performed in steps of inc detail as design develops
Constituent of a cost plan
it takes the same shape as the cost estimate
Formal cost plan stages
formal cost plan 1 = RIBA stage c
Formal cost plan 2 = RIBA stage D
Formal cost plan 3 = RIBA Stages E & F
Cost control in procurement
CP become a important cost control mechanism when work is procured by the use of seprate wk pack
Reporting of elemental cost plans
cost expressed as £/m2
items in CP reports
1. Exec summary/ prj title/ description/ status of CP
2. statement of cost inc cost limit
3. details of info/ spec on which CP was prepared/ statement of floor areas
4. Cost Plan
5. assumptions/ base date/ reason for change from previous CP
6. VE options/ conclusion/ recommendations
7. inclusions & exclusions
State of the construction market
Trends and forecasts 2013
Tender price index
The second half of 2012 saw prices come under renewed pressure. 2013 little respite
Building cost index
Employers faced higher wage bills at the end of last year and will have to fund a small wage increase at the beginning of 2013
Retail price index
Higher utility costs caused retail prices to move back up. Higher food prices coming through will stop consumer price measures falling towards target.
2012 ended with construction prices continuing their slide
Provisional fig 4 4thQ GDP = economic activity fell by comparison with 3rdQ, = Speculation trple dip recession (NB* confirm narrow avoidance)
Deloitte CFO survey 2013: market has cautious optimism
The Bank of England held interest rates at 0.5% since 03/09 & some suggest they will stay until 2017.
The Autumn Statement 12/12 recog need 2 restore capital spending & announced an add £5bn of investment for roads, rail and edu
Infrastructure pipeline: 550 projects est. @ £330 billion to 2015
An xtr 50 proj compared 2 2011 & £70m
problem: gov think 85% will be privately funded
BofE 4thQ Credit survey: banks offereing more cheaper credit due to the funding 4 lending scheme
downside: bank reduced interest on savings - no need 2 attract savers money
Construction products Assoc: lowered expectations of construction output 4 2013/14
trimmed by more than 4%
The recently released Construction Skills annual report does not anticipate a return to the 2007 levels of construction activity until 2022.
competition will remain intense keeping a lid on underlying cost inc
A prediction of MC turning down works due to slim est depart - picking job 2 put effort into rather than buying jobs at a loss
Material cost increases are likely to remain subdued in 2013
(IMF) forecasting a further small contraction (-0.2%) for the Eurozone, before achieving a small 1.0% inc
Global economy: stabilise in 2013; Global economic growth not expected 2 pick but neither slow again.
weak Eurozone & slow Japan offset US growrh
US should pick up if uncertainty of fiscal cliff & debt reduction is resolved
China: regain momentum in 13 & surpass 8% growth
Emerging market construction growth to lead the industry
construction demand is likely to be highest in high risk areas, including Latin America, Africa and the MENA region.
Economics of design
Wall: Floor ratio
relationship between wall and floor
Shows efficiency of a bdg
Lower the ratio = cheaper the bdg
The most efficient bdg shape is a circle but has poor lettable area = square is best
Sources of cost info
In-house historical data
Cost indices
cost analyses published in trade journals
Building cost models
Sub-contractors & Suppliers
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