Political Consequences of Strafford's death


What was the impact of Strafford's execution?
Declan Wiseman
Mapa Mental por Declan Wiseman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Declan Wiseman
Creado por Declan Wiseman hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Political Consequences of Strafford's death
  1. Scapegoat
    1. Safer to blame Evil Councillors
      1. Avoid punishment speaking vs Charles
        1. Avoided breaking the "great chain of being" by questioning need for monarchy
          1. Direct attack=undermining. Prompt demand from lower order for change.
        2. Circumstantial evidence
          1. Sir Henry Vane only overheard- "here" could be England/Scotland
            1. Inference to connect with conclusion of fact
          2. Bill of Attainder: death of Strafford
            1. Passed 204 to 59
              1. Only 50% MP's vote/absented
                1. Saye and Sele feigns illness
              2. May 1641
                1. ARMY PLOT
                  1. ToL.
                    1. 2nd plot: after exe Went- military force v Parli...revealed Oc 1641
                    2. Charles agrees bill-Parli no dissolve w/o consent
                    3. Actual consequences
                      1. Alliance between Old and New English in Ireland, bounded by the hatred of Strafford, now broken
                        1. Protestation Oath: 1641
                          1. Bind MP's- threat of absolutism
                            1. Allegiance sworn to Parli-reformed prot relig.
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