
Language and culture final
Angie Plata
Mapa Mental por Angie Plata, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Angie Plata
Creado por Angie Plata hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. UNIT 1
    1. Analytic primacy is not language per se, but the ways in which language is used in the accomplishment of social life.
        1. Intedisciplinary
          1. Cultural Psychology
            1. Communication
              1. Social Theory
                1. Antropology
                  1. Philosophy
                2. In our individual uses of our linguistic resources we accomplish two actions simultaneously.
                  1. We create their typical – historical – contexts of use.
                    1. We position ourselves in relation to these contexts.
                      1. UTTERANCES
                      2. A sociocultural perspective on human action locates the essence of social life in communication.
                        1. As the structures of our linguistic resources emerge from their real-world uses, so do their meanings, shaped by myriad cultural, historical and institutional forces.
                        2. The notion of culture has always been considered an important concept in applied linguistics.
                          1. Language is at the same time a repository of culture and a tool by which culture is created.
                        3. UNIT 2
                          1. Foreign language learning is comprised of several components:
                            1. Grammatical competence
                              1. Communicative competence
                                1. Language proficiency
                                  1. A change in attitudes towards one’s own or another culture.
                                  2. Foreign language learning is foreign culture learning
                                    1. The process of becoming a competent member of society is realized through exchanges of language in particular social situations
                                      1. 1. Every society orchestrates the ways in which children participate in
                                        1. 2. Particular situations, and this, in turn, affects the form, the function and
                                          1. 3. The content of children’s utterances;
                                            1. 4. Caregivers’ primary concern is not with grammatical input, but with the
                                              1. 5. Transmission of sociocultural knowledge;
                                                1. 6. The native learner, in addition to language, acquires also the
                                                  1. 7. Paralinguistic patterns and the kinesics of his or her culture.
                                                  2. Culture creates and solves problems. If, within a specific culture, cows are looked upon as sacred animals, or breaking a mirror is assumed to bring bad luck.
                                                    1. Teaching culture has different goals in order to help students to
                                                      1. To develop an understanding of the fact that all people exhibit culturally-conditioned behaviours.
                                                        1. To develop an understanding that social variables such as age, sex, social class, and place of residence influence the ways in which people speak and behave.
                                                          1. To become more aware of conventional behaviour in common situations in the target culture.
                                                            1. To increase their awareness of the cultural connotations of words and phrases in the target language.
                                                              1. To develop the ability to evaluate and refine generalizations about the target culture, in terms of supporting evidence.
                                                                1. To develop the necessary skills to locate and organize information about the target culture.
                                                                  1. To stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity about the target culture.
                                                                    1. To encourage empathy towards target's culture people.
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