Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry - Rebecca Popovich


The bestest mind map of all awsomeness
Mapa Mental por rebecca.popovich, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por rebecca.popovich hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry - Rebecca Popovich
  1. Settings
    1. Characters
      1. The Logan Family
        1. Cassie Logan
          1. Likes to think that she is in charge of her younger siblings.
            1. "...
          2. Stacey Logan
            1. Responsible for his siblings. They look up to him.
              1. "Come on, man and next time do like I tell ya.
            2. Christopher-John
              1. Little-Man
                1. Wants to make a good first impression - Likes to stay clean
                  1. "...Go ahead and get dirty... Me, I'm gonna stay clean"
                2. Mary Logan / Mama
                  1. Teacher, strict, but nice. Secretly does not like her job. Understands her children
                    1. "...There was no rush now. She understood.
                  2. David Logan / Papa
                    1. Big-Ma
                      1. Like the children's second mother
                    2. The Avery Family
                      1. T. J. Avery
                        1. Mama
                          1. Papa
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                        Romanticismo literario del S. XIX
                        maya velasquez
                        Diferencias entre la Química y Física
                        maya velasquez
                        NUMEROS RACIONALES - FRACCIONES
                        Jose Daniel Pauc
                        ÁRBOL DE PROBLEMAS
                        Países y capitales de América
                        Sabina Sosa
                        Diana Suarez11
                        ARTE DE GRECIA
                        Alex Velazquez
                        Asma bronquial en el niño
                        Mapa mental: Bases epistemológicas
                        Ana Yolima Gutierrez Sabogal
                        Metodos de separacion de mezclas
                        elkin parada
                        Anatomía Animal (Sistema Óseo)
                        Ana Favela