My Contribution To Ultimatum


Mapa Mental sobre My Contribution To Ultimatum, creado por danielbruce22 el 03/03/2014.
Mapa Mental por danielbruce22, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por danielbruce22 hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

My Contribution To Ultimatum
  1. Construction: In terms of the construction of the film I myself wrote the entire opening sequence, casting the characters and designing the entire plot itself. This started because my group decided that my log line was the best choice for our production. This is all availible to view on my previous blogs where i have detailed descriptions of character, setting, location and much more.
    1. Shot List: I myself also created the Shot List for my opening title sequence (Ultimatum). I personally found that constructing this Shot List made the task of filming almost effortless as every single shot that we needed to film was well documented in the shot list that i had created. Furthermore, this detailed list is also on my blog for others to use. It is also worth noting that all 3 other members of my group have a copy of this shot list on their individual blogs, in which they should of given me credit.
      1. Costume and Makeup: I myself also created a blog on the costume and makeup that i felt each character needed to have in the opening title sequence. I felt that this blog post was extremely helpful when it came to the filming of the opening sequence as we knew straight away what image we had to contract as it was well documented on my blog post.
        1. Editing: In terms of the editing in the film it was mainly myself and Connor Crosby doing the editing, the standard procedure would be that i directed him as to what i wanted to be seen and we would both think about different ways and techniques that we could use to construct this idea. Conclusively,in our production Connor is credited as producer and myself as co-producer. However, often after the entire group finished filming we would all get together and review what we had filmed and how we wanted it to be portrayed on the final cut, this often led to editing and interesting group debates about what went best in which places of the sequence.
          1. Filming: In terms of the filming process of our opening title sequence, i myself worked closely with Connor and other members of the group who however were starring in most of the scenes to find the best camera angles and shot sizes to use throughout. I myself feel that the entire group would decide on the best shots and sizes to use throughout, as you can see we have a fantastic knowledge of the filming process and camera placement.
            1. Directing: In terms of the directing of the film i was the main person in that respect however the entire group did add their respective opinions which further strengthened the integrity and quality of the opening sequence. Seeing as i wrote the entire treatment i felt that it was almost my job to bring the entire sequence to life and create something that was extremely thrilling to match the genre and to entertain the audience.
              1. Although it wasn't a main concern for the group, i myself was the main instigator of organising the filming, editing and overall production of Ultimatum. I felt i did a good job in motivating various members of the group and organising things like the availability of Camera's, contacting the foley artist, arranging editing and filming times and casting and hiring the young boy, who is Jack's son in Ultimatum.
                1. Furthermore, myself and James constructed the Storyboard. I myself scripted the entire thing and James illustrated most of the pictures on the board, for our final opening title sequence, Ultimatum.
                  1. I also took it upon myself to design a feedback questionnaire for the pre cut of Ultimatum in order to find out exactly what our target audience thought about our final opening title sequence.
                    1. We also needed feedback from the final cut of our final opening sequence, Ultimatum, and so my group including myself took it upon ourselves to interview our target audience about the sequence itself. This video itself is available to view on my blog, as you can see i myself ask most of the questions and the interview was filmed by the other members of my group, Connor, James and Jack
                    2. I myself also held an interview with editor Micheal Harrowes. During this Skype call i was able to ask him various questions about his editing career and exactly what he thought an opening title sequence should contain. I found this very helpful and felt very privileged by the fact that i got the opportunity to interview him.
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