words/phases: appears to me @ present; I apprehend; I imagine; I appreciate; you improved immeasurably; do your best; proud of you
fact i trust you will not lose sight of; You with your knowledge/talent/quality/eager; your suggestion; your guidance; your consultive word; learn new steps; faith in your ability to do it
oppinion of him not of me
wrong: admit it quickly
socrates: enphasis things agreed
get yes answers
accepting open attitude
organisms are forward moving
contrast bias
ocean remains below river and mountains
on the shoulders of giants
let the others have the idea
Overyone else's best Interrests
nobler motives
dramatize ideas
man of word honor the contract
make a tangible challenge
stimulate desire to excel
stimulate competition
change but to AND
1st compliment / 2nd find fault indirectly
1st own mistakes / 2nd avoid criticizm
No one likes to take orders
what you think of this?
involve the other as part of the decision making / clause built together in the contract