The theme of fear:


Mapa Mental sobre The theme of fear:, creado por Hooligan el 04/03/2014.
Mapa Mental por Hooligan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Hooligan hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Theme of Fear:
  1. Chapter 3-4:
    1. Pg.57 'Mr Jerome looked frozen, pale, his throat moving as if he were unable to utter' the verb 'unable' implies that Mr Jerome is paralysed just by talking about the woman in black never mind seeing her. him being paralysed is the one of the permanent reactions he'll and others will get just by the subject of her. this quote is actually a foreboding signal as later on in the novel pg 105-106 the quote 'working, rubbing, fidgeting, gripping and ungripping' are also the reactions people get from the women in black so the 'unable to utter' is symbolising what will happen if you have met the woman in black. it also symbolisies the struggle to warn Arthur about her not just because the woman in black is controlling him but als the fear of bringing her up is relevant to this situation.
      1. Pg. 38 'you're not going to start telling me strange tales of lonely houses?' he gave me a straight look.' No.' he said, at last 'I am not'
      2. Chapter 5-6:
        1. Pg. 74 'intended to switch on a good many lights' this implies that Athur is wanting to gain control. He wants to be in charge as being in charge will calm him down and maybe make him fearless.
          1. Pg. 78 As soon as Arthur seen the women in black he comments 'I did not believe in ghosts' this supposes that he now does believe in ghosts after Crythin Gifford which means that meeting the woman in black was the reason of him changing his mind. Builds up a sense of fear and dread-whatever caused him to change his mind happened at Eel Marsh House. (He's been lured in by the supernatural whilst at Crythin Gifford) whereas before that he didn't believe in ghosts.
          2. Chapter 1-2:
            1. Pg.5 'Truth to tell, I was growing old well before my time, a sombre, pale-complexioned man with a strained expression a dulldog' this shows the hauntings have scarred him for life. the word 'pale' suggests that the experience has drained all the liveliness he used to have. aged by trauma experience.
              1. Pg. 8 'i had remained silent as to my intentions for the future' this implies that he hasnt told his family about the woman in black or maybe the word 'remained' is the threat from the woman in black. remain silence or i'll do the same agian.
              2. Chapter 9-10:
                1. Pg. 151 'the sound of moaning down all the chimneys of the house and whistling through every nook and cranny' the words 'all' and 'every' suggest a trap there is no way out as if it was moaning down a chimney then he could find a way to escape. The use of the verb 'whistling' suggests her attempt to try and capture spider as spider will reply to any call or sound.
                  1. Pg. 123 'I had slept lightly and restlessly, troubled by the snatches of peculiar, disconnected dreams. the word 'snatches' could portray the woman in black. 'snatches' could be her nickname as she taken away other peoples children and killed them due to the loss of her child. the use of the alliteration 'disconnected dreams' is caused by snatches and you know at this moment onwards that Arthur is really fearful as his dreams are meant to calm him down and give him some rest but the fact now that his dreams aredisconnected convey that he has nothing to keep his sanity from going insanity.
                  2. Chapter 7-8
                    1. Pg. 105-106 'He shifted his chair further away from me, as he sat behind his rickety desk.' the use of the word 'away' conveys Mr Jerome is acting as if Arthur has caught the contagious disease from the women in black.
                      1. pg. 106 'I noticed his hands, which rested on the sides on his chair were working, rubbing, fidgeting, gripping and ungripping' the use of the verbs create a sense of fear as 'working, rubbing, fidgeting, gripping' have a rhythm which represents everyone who has been affected by the woman in black as the verbs are the symptoms of someone mentioning the woman in black. But the verb 'ungripping' doesn't fit into the pattern as which represents Arthur the verb is portraying Arthur ungripping whatever he is holding to and going back to Eel Marsh house.
                      2. Chapter 11-12:
                        1. Pg. 200 'They asked for my story i have told it. Enough.' at the beginning of the story Arthur tended to speak a lot and now due to the short sentece above that he isnt talking about it anymore. The use of the imperitive 'enough' implies he is too scared to talk about his experience.
                          1. Pg. 199 'There was a moment of dreadful confusion' the fear in this quote is the fact that Arthur is the only one that knows what is going on but doesn't do anything as he is just standing there scared. so the fear comes from the fact that he has no one he is by him self again just like in Eel Marsh House.
                            1. Pg. 194 'Her bitterness was understandable' the woman in black's behaviour has feared people to believe that they understand and although that is believable it could also mean that her scared others into saying things they may or may not mean due to the fearfulness of her presence.
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