Duologue Ideas


Mapa Mental sobre Duologue Ideas, creado por chattyshannon el 28/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por chattyshannon, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por chattyshannon hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Duologue Ideas
  1. Prejudice
    1. Judging on appearance, race, age, gender etc.
      1. Teach that this is wrong.
      2. Stimulus Ideas?
          1. Super objective?
            1. Story ideas?
              1. Labels within society.
                1. We could wear labels
            2. Mother and Daughter
              1. Bad Relationship
                1. Abuse?
                  1. No father
                    1. Two viewpoints
                    2. Daughter is being bullied and mother has no idea?
                    3. School Friends
                      1. Peer Pressure
                        1. Arguements/Falling out
                        2. Going from primary to secondary
                          1. Good vs Bad
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