Prokaryotic Diversity and Classification


(lecture 3) biosci 204 Mapa Mental sobre Prokaryotic Diversity and Classification, creado por nfnabilah_14 el 06/03/2014.
Mapa Mental por nfnabilah_14, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por nfnabilah_14 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Prokaryotic Diversity and Classification
  1. What is prokaryote?
    1. Archea
      1. similar shape/size
        1. multiply by binary fission
          1. may have flagella
            1. no peptidoglycan in cell wall
              1. many are extremophiles
                1. Hyperthermophile (over 100 degree celcius)
                  1. Pyrobolus
                  2. Halophiles (can grow in high salt medium)
                    1. Halobacterium *eventho it's actually not a bacterium*
                    2. Acidophiles (can grow in acid condition, best at pH 2)
                      1. Thermoplasma
                  3. Bacteria
                  4. Classifying prokaryotes
                    1. Morphological classification
                      1. Shape
                        1. coccus (round shape)
                          1. rod
                            1. spirillum (spiral shape)
                              1. spirochete (pasta-like)
                                1. budding & appendaged bacteria
                                  1. filamentous bacteria
                                  2. Arrangement
                                    1. Cell size & significance of smallness
                                      1. 0.2 micrometres - 700 nanometres diameter
                                        1. upper size limit
                                          1. due to surface area to volume ratio for absoprtion of gases & nutrients
                                          2. lower size limit
                                            1. due to space needed to house essential proteins, nucleic acids etc
                                        2. Biochemical classification
                                          1. by using API kit (however it takes a long time to show the result)
                                          2. Phylogenetics classification
                                            1. Bacterial 16s rRNA genes
                                              1. use to identify bacteria
                                                1. highly variable among species
                                                2. most of the bacteria have it!
                                                3. Phylogenetic Overview of Bacteria
                                                  1. Isolate /amplify 16s RNA genes
                                                    1. sequence DNA and align sequences
                                                      1. construct the phylogenetic tree
                                              2. Identifying and classifying microbial species
                                                1. Binomial system of nomenclature
                                                  1. genus name
                                                    1. species name
                                                    2. Strain
                                                      1. Species
                                                        1. Basic concept of species on eukaryotes
                                                          1. Concept of species on microbes
                                                          2. Microbial classification
                                                            1. Name my own bacteria by writing a paper to International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
                                                              1. The paper is published by them
                                                                1. I must deposit my organism in at least two international culture collections
                                                                  1. ATCC (USA)
                                                                    1. DSMZ (Germany)
                                                                      1. JCM (Japan)

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