
ADDIE and ASSURE Models are instructional design model that has the goal of producing more effective teaching and learning.
Joshua Yac
Mapa Mental por Joshua Yac, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Joshua Yac
Creado por Joshua Yac hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. ADDIE
    1. It is a guide for planning and conducting instruction that uses media.
      1. Analysis phase
        1. Who are the learners and what are their characteristics?
          1. What is the desired new behavior?
            1. What types of learning constraints exist?
              1. What are the delivery options?
                1. What are the pedagogical considerations?
                  1. What adult learning theory considerations apply?
                    1. What is the timeline for project completion?
        2. Design phase
          1. It is about applying the instruction
            1. An assessment’s design.
              1. • Select a form of the course.
                1. Creating instructional strategy.
            2. Development phase
              1. the instructional designers integrate the technology with the educational setting and process
                1. Create factual sample for the instruction design.
                  1. Develop the materials of the course
                    1. Run through the conduction of the design
                    2. Implementation phase
                      1. is about transforming our plan into action
                        1. Training the instructors
                          1. Prepare the learners
                            1. Organizing the learning environment
                            2. Evaluation phase
                              1. evaluate each step in order to make sure that we achieve our goals using the instructional design and materials
                                1. formative evaluation
                                  1. One to one, small evaluation group, and trial in the field.
                                  2. summative evaluation.
                                2. ASSURE
                                  1. This model is an approach that helps instructional designers, any content’s developer, or even teachers to create an efficient, effective teaching design by applying the processes of the ADDIE model on any instructional product
                                    1. Analyze Learners
                                      1. Identify your audience
                                      2. State Objectives
                                        1. state the objectives for the instructional experience
                                          1. Audience-who your learners are?
                                            1. Behavior to be demonstrated
                                              1. Conditions under which the behavior will be observed
                                                1. Degree to which the learned skills are to be mastered
                                        2. Select Media and Materials
                                          1. select the appropriate method for the given learning task, select available materials, modify existing materials, or design new materials to help accomplish this task
                                          2. Utilize Media and Materials
                                            1. decide how the media, materials and technology must be used to carry out your method/s.
                                            2. Require Learner Participation
                                              1. Include activities that needs students' participation
                                              2. Evaluate and Revise
                                                1. Evaluate the entire instructional process
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