Introduction to P2


Prince 2 Foundation Mapa Mental sobre Introduction to P2, creado por saturnwest el 29/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por saturnwest, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por saturnwest hace más de 11 años
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Resumen del Recurso

Introduction to P2
  1. Developed by the government
    1. 1995/96
      1. Flexible & scalable approach for managing projects
        1. OGC/Cabinet Office
        2. Process based
          1. Limited guidance on techniques (how to carry out tasks)
            1. Applicable for all types of projects, regardless of industry
            2. Four Elements
              1. Processes - WHAT and WHY
                1. Themes - Project Mgmt tools
                  1. Principles - Guiding obligations
                    1. Focus on Products
                      1. Justification throughout the project
                        1. Experience is learnt from
                          1. Stages to manage project
                            1. Tailor to suit the project environment
                              1. Exceptions trigger MGMT focus
                                1. Roles and responsibilities are defined
                                  1. USE
                                    1. Universal
                                      1. Self validating
                                        1. Empowering
                                      2. Environment - embedded according to organisation
                                        1. Ref: P2 Manual Chp1 and 1.5
                                      3. Accreditation & Exams
                                        1. APM
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