Chapter 5: Economic Theory, Marxism,
and Material Culture
Needs Versus Desires: Traveling Light
and Arriving Heavy
objects/ possesions
attachment to possessions
Marxist Theory & Alienation
economic & psychological theories
explain the role of capitalism in the
modern world
alienation: a separation or
estrangement of man's true nature
from the sense of self
1. needs are not real but artificially imposed upon people by advertising that tries to convince that buying means happiness
2. people are alienated because the work is external (work = making money to live)
3. objects & artifacts are signifiers of the alienation & estrangement
Class Conflict
classes: bourgeoisie & proletariat
false consciousness doctrine
unequal distribution of goods
Role of Advertising
Advertising - the main engine of consumer culture
in capitalist societies. It is a merchandizing tool and
the industry. It gives objects their valuation (Henri
Immediate goal: to sell artifacts & products. Long-term goal: to turn people's
attention away from exploitation & justify the existence of a capitalist economic
Thorsten Veblen and Conspicuous Consumption
Ultimate goal: an enhanced sense of self; to excel
neighbors to attain heightened self-evaluation.
Functional analysis - objects' function to
indicate & enhance status
Max Weber & Calvinist-Protestant Thought
worldly Protestant asceticism
Protestant ethics justifies consumption.
Divine Providence justifies the unequal distribution of wealth .
Georg Simmel on Fashion
new models of artifacts
women's fashion consciousness
Walter Benjamin & the Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
the impact of mass production on objects
aura = authenticity
Authenticity & Postmodern Thought
1. Overarching metaphysical systems of belief are not important any more.
2. no boundaries between elite & popular cultures and between original works of art & reproductions/ imitations. Authenticity is not important.
3. Contemporary American culture is postmodern with mixed styles.
John Berger on Objects & Adversitising
Publicity is about social relations, not objects
Definitions: artifacts & human
Artifacts - objects showing human workmanship.
Human labor - labor that involves designing, manufacturing, transporting, advertising, and selling objects.