General Systems Theory


Mapa Mental Teoría General de Sistemas
Mapa Mental por KELLY JOHANNA GARAVITO MOTTA, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por KELLY JOHANNA GARAVITO MOTTA hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

General Systems Theory
  1. concept
    1. A model of set of interrelated principles and concepts that explains an organizations complex entities
      1. It aims to look at reality systems the same structures
      2. system
        1. Set of elements that functions as a whole
          1. No subsystem is completely independent.
          2. Premises
            1. C.-The functions of a system are dependent on its structure.
              1. A.-Systems exist within systems.
                1. B.-The systems are open.
                2. Levels
                  1. System: coherent whole, for example a family
                    1. Suprasystem: medium surrounding the system; friends, neighbors, extended family ...
                      1. Subsystems: system components; individuals.
                      2. Authors
                        1. Ludwig von Bertalanffy
                          1. He was the one who is responsible for introducing this concept in the mid-twentieth century.
                            1. Understands science as a subsystem of the conceptual system,
                              1. He also published the individual growth model
                              2. Ashby
                                1. Was widely influential in Cibernetics, System Theory, and complex systems
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