The aphasias


In the following mind map look the brief description of aphasias
Maye Becerril Perez
Mapa Mental por Maye Becerril Perez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Maye Becerril Perez
Creado por Maye Becerril Perez hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

The aphasias
  1. Conduction Aphasia
    1. verbal output: fluent some paraphrasis
      1. Associated signs: Righthemiparesis, sensory loss, hemianopsia; apraxia.
        1. Region Affected: left superior temporal and supramarginal gyrus
          1. Repetition: Intact
            1. Comprenhension: Impaired
    2. Verbal Output: fluent, word-finding pauses
      1. Assosiated Signs: Variable
        1. Region Affected: left temporal, left angular gyrus.
          1. Repetition: Intact
            1. Comprenhension: Relatively preserved
        2. Anomic Aphasia
        3. Broca's Aphasia
          1. Verbal Output: Nonfluent, efforful
            1. Associated Signs: Right hemiparesis, right hemisensory loss: apraxia of left limbs
              1. Region Affected: Left inferior frontal,subcortical white matter
                1. Repetition: Impaired
                  1. Comprenhension: Relatively intact, difficulty with complex syntax
            2. Wernicke's Aphasia
              1. Verbal ouput: Fluent, paraphasic errors: logorrhea
                1. Associated Signs: Right hemianopsia
                  1. Region Affected: Left posterior superior temporal; inferior parietal
                    1. Repetition: Impaired
                      1. Comprenhension: Impaired
              2. Cortical Syndromes
                1. Gerstmann's Syndrome
                  1. Acalculia (can't do simple arithmetic), Finger agnosia (do not recognize fingers), issues with left/right discrimination, agraphia Key features - Lesion in angular gyrus of dominant parietal lobe
                    1. Anton Syndrome
                      1. Is Cortical blindness = blindness caused by issues at occipital lobe (eyes are normal) ○ Confabulates respones and excuses; hallucinations - Patient will deny being blind - Lesion caused by bilateral acute ischemic strokes in occipital cortex
                        1. Balint's Syndrome
                          1. ○ Simultanagnosia = inability to perceive visual field as a whole ○ Oculomotor apraxia = cannot FIX eyes to a spot ○ Optic ataxia/dysmetria = cannot guide hand towards object using visual cues - Features - Lesion to bilateral superior temporal-occipital lobes (commonly with watershed infarcts)
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