Estrategia, posicionamiento de estrategia, propósito y acción.


Tarea #8 de innovacion
Karla Corona
Mapa Mental por Karla Corona, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Karla Corona
Creado por Karla Corona hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Estrategia, posicionamiento de estrategia, propósito y acción.
  1. What is strategy?
    1. Strategic positioning
      1. Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities.
        1. Strategy requires you to make trade-offs in competing—to choose what not to do.
          1. Strategy involves creating “fit” among a company’s activities.
          2. Operational Effectiveness Is Not Strategy
            1. Companies must be flexible enough to respond rapidly to changes; and be in continously comparission with their competence.
              1. Despite all these caracteristics, companies must be able to always distinguish between operational effectiveness and strategy.
                1. Operational effectiveness means performing similar activities better than rivals perform them.
                  1. Strategic positioning means performing different activities from rivals’ or performing similar activities in different ways.
              2. Strategy Rests on Unique Activities
                1. Being different!
                  1. strategy is in the activities – choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than rivals.
                    1. Origins
                      1. variety-based positioning
                        1. needs-based positioning
                          1. accessbased positioning.
                        2. A Sustainable Strategic Position Requires Trade-offs
                          1. Strategy can be imitate
                            1. Trade offs appear for three reasons in specific.
                              1. inconsistencies in image or reputation.
                                1. trade-offs arise from activities themselves.
                                  1. limits on internal coordination and control.
                                  2. Without trade-offs, there would be no need for choice and thus no need for strategy
                                  3. Fit Drives Both Competitive Advantage and Sustainability
                                    1. strategy is about combining activities.
                                      1. Rather than seeing the company as a whole, managers have turned to “core” competencies, “critical” resources, and “key” success factors.
                                        1. Types of fit
                                          1. simple consistency
                                            1. activities are reinforcing.
                                              1. optimization of effort.
                                          2. Rediscovering Strategy
                                            1. the greater threat to strategy often comes from within the company
                                              1. Bad influences
                                                1. Growth trap
                                                  1. Profitable growth
                                                    1. The role of leadership
                                                2. Can you say what your strategy is?
                                                  1. Elements of a strategy statement
                                                    1. objective
                                                      1. ends
                                                      2. Scope
                                                        1. Domain
                                                        2. Advantage
                                                          1. Means
                                                          2. Defining these three elements, requires trade offs
                                                        3. From purpose to impact
                                                          1. What is purpose?
                                                            1. Your leadership purpose is who you are and what makes you distinctive
                                                            2. How do you find it?
                                                              1. The point is to identify your core, lifelong strengths, values, and passions— those pursuits that energize you and bring you joy
                                                              2. How do you put your purpose into action?
                                                                1. First of all, clarifying your purpose, You must also envision the impact you'll have on your world as a result of living your purpose
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