ASSURE and EDDIE models


Main characteristics of ASSURE and EDDIE models
Angel Jimenez
Mapa Mental por Angel Jimenez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Angel Jimenez
Creado por Angel Jimenez hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

ASSURE and EDDIE models


  • assure and Eddie model
  1. Nota:

    • Evaluate the learner
    1. Analysis Phase
      1. the learner
        1. Instructional goals
          1. Developing instructional
            1. developing learning objectives
            2. Design Phase
              1. An assessment’s design
                1. Select a form of the course
                  1. Creating instructional strategy
                  2. Development phase
                    1. Instruction design
                      1. The materials of the course
                        1. Run through the conduction
                        2. Implementation phase
                          1. Training the instructors
                            1. Prepare the learners
                              1. Organizing the learning environment
                              2. Evaluation Phase
                                1. One to one formative evaluation
                                  1. Small evaluation group
                                    1. Formative evaluation on trial in field
                                      1. summative evaluation
                                    2. Nota:

                                      • Evaluate the main purpose of the lesson
                                      1. Analyse Learners
                                        1. Students, Teachers, Members, etc.
                                          1. General characteristics
                                            1. Competencies
                                              1. Learning styles
                                            2. State Objectives
                                              1. The learning outcomes
                                                1. Behavioral terms
                                                  1. Who your learners are?
                                                    1. Behavior to be demonstrated
                                                      1. Conditions the behavior will be observed
                                                        1. learned skills are to be mastered
                                                        2. Select Media Materials
                                                          1. Clear idea of audiece
                                                            1. Appropriate Learning Task
                                                              1. Select available materials
                                                                1. Modify existing materials
                                                                  1. Design new materials
                                                                2. Utilize Media & Materials
                                                                  1. Preview the materials before using them
                                                                    1. Practice using the equipment
                                                                      1. Have a plan B
                                                                        1. Prepare the room
                                                                          1. Make ready the necessary equipment and facilities
                                                                          2. Require Learner Participation
                                                                            1. Actively engage all students
                                                                              1. Incorporate questions and answers
                                                                                1. Discussions
                                                                                  1. Group work
                                                                                    1. Hands-on activities
                                                                                      1. Listen to your audience
                                                                                        1. Teach them knowledge
                                                                                        2. Evaluate & Revise
                                                                                          1. Evaluate the entire instructional process
                                                                                            1. Reflect upon the lesson
                                                                                              1. The stated objectives
                                                                                                1. The instructional strategy
                                                                                                  1. The instructional materials
                                                                                                    1. The assessments
                                                                                                      1. If there are discrepancies make appropriate revisions before using the lesson again
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