Russia 1894-1921: 1905 Revolution


National 5 (Russian Revolution) History Mapa Mental sobre Russia 1894-1921: 1905 Revolution, creado por Lewis White el 30/04/2013.
Lewis White
Mapa Mental por Lewis White, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lewis White
Creado por Lewis White hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Russia 1894-1921: 1905 Revolution
  1. Opponents of the Tsar
    1. Social Revolutionaries
      1. The Social Revolutionaries believed that Russia should belong to the peasants
        1. The Social Revolutionaries were led by Victor Chernov
          1. The Social Revolutionaries wanted a revolution
          2. The Liberals
            1. The Liberals Wanted the Tsar to share his power with an elected Government
              1. The Liberals did NOT want a revolution
              2. The Social Democratic Party
                1. The Social Democratic Party believed in the ideas of Karl Marx
                  1. These 'ideas' were a way to run a Government were every man is equal
                    1. This is called Communism
                  2. The Social Democrat Party split into two
                    1. Mensheviks
                      1. The Mensheviks believed that a revolution must happen gradually and that they must have the support of the people
                        1. The Mensheviks wanted a democracy
                        2. Bolsheviks
                          1. The Bolsheviks believed that a revolution could only happen through force
                            1. The Bolsheviks were led by Lenin
                              1. Lenin was born as Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov at Simbirsk in a town called Volga in 1870
                                1. Lenin was part of a Middle Class family
                                2. The Bolsheviks wanted one person to rule
                          2. The Ideas of Karl Marx
                            1. Karl Marx was a German 'thinker'
                              1. He made a form of Government that would be fair and create a better world
                                1. He believed his ideas would only take hold in an industrialised country
                                  1. He said 'Society is run by the rich'
                                    1. He believed that they had to be removed for his society to work
                                      1. This required TWO revolutions
                                        1. The first would be for the lower and middle classes to remove the upper class
                                          1. Then the lower class would remove the middle class
                                  2. Russian People
                                    1. Supporters
                                      1. Nobles
                                        1. The Tsar was their source of wealth
                                        2. Army
                                          1. The Tsar hand picked officers, who were often Nobles
                                          2. Peasants
                                            1. Believed the Tsar was chosen by God
                                            2. Okrana
                                              1. 'The Secret Police'
                                                1. They spied for the Tsar and stopped any revolutionary attempts
                                                2. The Church
                                                  1. The Tsar was their source of wealth
                                                    1. They made the peasants believe that the Tsar was chosen by God
                                                  2. Opposition
                                                    1. Middles Classes
                                                      1. They wanted the Tsar to share his power so that they could have a say in the Government
                                                      2. Factory Workers
                                                        1. They wanted the Tsar to give them less working hours, higher pay and better living conditions
                                                        2. Revolutionaries
                                                          1. They wanted to take all of the Tsar's power
                                                          2. The Students
                                                            1. They were educated with new ideas of democracy
                                                              1. They believed that Russia should work like this too
                                                        3. Bloody Sunday
                                                          1. The workers were in horrible conditions
                                                            1. They had low pay, high working hours and terrible living conditions
                                                            2. A priest, Father Gapon, arranged with the workers that they would march up to the Winter Palace and ask for improvements to pay, working hours and living conditions
                                                              1. Father Gapon sends a letter informing the Tsar of this march the day before
                                                                1. But the Tsar was not in the Winter Palace as he had returned home as his son was bleeding
                                                                  1. His son had a disease that stopped his blood from clotting
                                                                    1. The workers came in a peaceful march but the Tsars men protecting the Winter Palace didn't know these people would be here
                                                                      1. The soldiers opened fire on the crowd and killed between 100-1000 people
                                                                        1. This started the 1905 revolution
                                                              2. 1905 Revolution
                                                                1. Workers went on strike
                                                                  1. Mutiny on the Potemik Battleship
                                                                    1. Towns 'broke off' of Russia and formed small Governments called 'Soviets'
                                                                      1. Minorities demanded 'freedom' from Russia
                                                                        1. Middle Class demanded a Duma
                                                                          1. Peasants burned down the houses of the landowners who they believed had 'stolen their land'
                                                                          2. Octobe Manifesto
                                                                            1. This maifesto gave the people what they wanted
                                                                              1. The peasants no longer had to pay redemption payments
                                                                                1. The workers were given right to free speech and assosiation
                                                                                  1. The Middle Class got a Duma
                                                                                  2. The Tsar was assissted by his advisors for the October Manifesto
                                                                                  3. Stolypin's Reforms
                                                                                    1. Stolypin was the Prime Minister of the third Duma
                                                                                      1. He supported the Tsar
                                                                                        1. He invented Kosaks
                                                                                          1. Kosaks were a richer class of peasant
                                                                                            1. The idea was to make the peasants support the Tsar again
                                                                                          2. He built up industry
                                                                                            1. This was to make the Middle Class support the Tsar
                                                                                            2. He severly punished anyone who opposed the Tsar
                                                                                              1. This made the working class hate the Tsar
                                                                                                1. This was nicknamed Stolypin's Necktie
                                                                                              2. The Dumas
                                                                                                1. The first Duma was closed because they asked for too much
                                                                                                  1. The second Duma was closed because it was filled with revolutionaries
                                                                                                    1. The third Duma's Prime Minister wa Stolypin, who supported the Tsar
                                                                                                      1. This Duma closed when Stolypin was assassinated
                                                                                                        1. Okrana knew about the assassination, but let it happen as the Tsar thought Stolypin was getting too smart
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