A text with eight gaps. Candidates choose
the correct missing words by answering eight multiple-choice questions with four options: A,
B, C or D
01 mark
Part 02 Open Cloze (8 questions)
A text with eight gaps. Candidates fill in the
missing words.
01 mark
Part 03 Word formation (8 questions)
A text with eight gaps. Candidates form the
missing words from the given stem words.
01 mark
Part 04 Key words transformation (6 questions)
Six separate questions, each containing a lead-in
sentence, followed by a ‘key word’ and a second
(gapped) sentence. Candidates complete the
second sentence in three to six words, and must
include the ‘key word’
Up to 2 marks
Part 05 Multiple choice 6 questions
A text followed by six multiple-choice questions
with four options: A, B, C or D.
02 marks
Part 06 Cross text multiple matching 4 questions
Four short texts with multiple matching
prompts; candidates match a prompt to the
relevant sections of the text(
02 marks
Part 07 Gapped text 6 questions
A text with six missing paragraphs; candidates
choose the correct paragraph order from a list of
seven paragraphs (A-G)
02 marks
Part 08 Multiple matching 10 questions
One or several short texts with ten prompt
questions; candidates match the prompt to the
relevant section of the text(s)
01 mark
01 hour 15 minutes
Number of
Part 01 is compulsory
A contextualised writing task with a clear context,
topic, purpose and target reader.
Task: Letter, proposal, report, review
Part 2 is a choice of one out of three tasks
A writing task where candidates read input notes
about a topic, including three bullet points.
Candidates write an essay based on two of the
bullet points: they will explain which of the two
points is most important and give reasons for
their opinion.
Task: Discursive essay
Part 02. Sentence completion
A three-minute monologue, heard twice.
Candidates answer questions on specific
information and stated opinion.
Part 01. Multiple choice
Three short extracts between interacting speakers,
heard twice. Candidates answer two three-option
multiple-choice questions on each exchange.
Questions focus on feeling, attitude, opinion, purpose,
function, agreement, course of action, gist and detail
Part 4: Multiple matching
hrough. Candidates do two multiple-matching
tasks requiring the selection of the five correct
options from a list of eight. Questions focus on
gist, attitude, main points, interpreting context,
opinion, purpose and speaker feeling
Part 03 Multiple choice
A conversation between two or more speakers,
lasting around four minutes, heard twice.
Candidates answer six multiple-choice questions,
with four options: A, B, C or D. Questions focus
on attitude, opinion, gist, detail, speaker feeling,
purpose, function and speaker agreement.