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Family dealing with a Child with a Disability
James La Londe
Mapa Mental por James La Londe, actualizado hace más de 1 año
James La Londe
Creado por James La Londe hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Already Knew
  1. makes life more difficult
    1. families might be afraid because they are not being informed
      1. Learned
        1. Questions
          1. Emotions
            1. Main Ideas
              1. the disability comes with responsibilities and disruptions to a families routine
                1. Parents and families of children with disabilities need lots of information and resources and have special needs and concerns.
                  1. having a child with a disability can make you feel very alone and isolated
                    1. Most families with a child with a disability have the sam satisfaction with childrearing as families without.
                    2. trepidation
                      1. Stress
                        1. pleasure
                          1. saisfaction
                            1. joy
                              1. Isolated
                              2. Are there government services to help with the high costs of raising a child with a disability?
                                1. Can joining a group of parents with children who have similar disabilities benefit parents by sharing information?
                                  1. How do families deal with the stress and all the new people and info in their lives?
                                    1. The Impact of Disabilities on Families
                                    2. The more severe the condition the more severe the stress is that the family endures.
                                      1. research today is beginning to focus on the positive impact as well to create a more balanced vision
                                        1. There are many support resources for parents to access to manage the stress and share their concerns.
                                        2. feel guilt and shame
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