Elements of Design Pablo Sepulveda


Pablo Sepulveda
Mapa Mental por Pablo Sepulveda, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Pablo Sepulveda
Creado por Pablo Sepulveda hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Elements of Design Pablo Sepulveda
  1. Audio
    1. Types
      1. Duration
        1. Duration of the sound (short, long)
        2. Pitch
          1. Quality of sound easily noticed by any listener
          2. Timbre
            1. Quality in which two sounds can be distinguished from one another (same sonority and pitch)
        3. Color
          1. Newton discovered sunlight decomposes into a spectrum of seven other colors
            1. Hue
              1. The element that allows us to identify each color
              2. Saturation
                1. The purity of the color (The amount of light relfected)
                2. Brightness
                  1. The amount of light emited by the reflection of the surface of the object.
                  2. Primary RGB (mix all get white)
                    1. Secondary (mix of 2 RGB)
                      1. Tertiary (mix of a mix of RGB)
                        1. CMYK ( Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, black, Mix all get black)
                        2. Line
                          1. Dot: Simplest form of visual communication
                            1. Ex: Putting a dot on a map
                            2. When two dots come together they form a line.
                              1. Endings
                                1. The way the line ends (Smooth, pointy, irregular)
                                2. Body
                                  1. Relationship between the width and the edge of a line
                                  2. Whole form
                                    1. General Appearence of the line (crooked, straight, irregular)
                                    2. Lines may form outlines
                                      1. Equilateral triangle
                                        1. Geometric shape with 3 sides
                                        2. Squared
                                          1. Geometric shape with 4 sides
                                          2. Circle
                                            1. Round geometric shape
                                        3. Form
                                          1. Figurative
                                            1. Easily identified by users or observers
                                              1. Natural forms
                                                1. Artificial Forms
                                                  1. Verbal Forms
                                                  2. Abstract
                                                    1. Resembles something in real life
                                                    2. Calligraphic
                                                      1. Freehand Forms (only pen and pencil)
                                                      2. Geometric
                                                        1. Straight, round, and arc lines
                                                      3. Message
                                                        1. Comunication
                                                          1. Reciever
                                                            1. Person who receives the message
                                                            2. Channel
                                                              1. How the message is sent
                                                              2. Code
                                                                1. Signs that make the message
                                                                2. Message
                                                                  1. What the sender wants to send to the reciever
                                                                  2. Sender
                                                                    1. Person who sends the message
                                                                3. Space
                                                                  1. Distance relationship among objects
                                                                    1. Positive spaces always indicate emptiness
                                                                      1. Visual Effect
                                                                        1. Change in size
                                                                          1. Overlapping
                                                                            1. Change in textures
                                                                              1. Change in view
                                                                                1. Curving or bending
                                                                                  1. Fluctuating and conflicting space
                                                                                2. Textures
                                                                                  1. Decorative
                                                                                    1. Easily replaceable And don't affect the main design
                                                                                    2. Mechanical Textures
                                                                                      1. Created using autmoated means
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                                                                                    Color Terminology
                                                                                    Cyn Aleatore
                                                                                    Narrative Writing
                                                                                    Colors in Japanese
                                                                                    ICT SYMBOLS QUIZ
                                                                                    John O'Driscoll
                                                                                    Edexcel GCSE Design and Technology: Graphic Products KEY DEFINITIONS
                                                                                    I Turner
                                                                                    Remind Connected Educators Quiz
                                                                                    Adobe InDesign
                                                                                    Nicole Gentle
                                                                                    Na dathanna/ the colours
                                                                                    Sarah Egan
                                                                                    10. Red and blue together are hard on the eyes
                                                                                    Mariane Castro
                                                                                    Astrattismo Lirico
                                                                                    NATALINA GIRARDI
                                                                                    Valeria Mendoza