Nerd³: Choose Your Own Let's Play!


It took a while, but here it is: a map of Nerd³'s Choose Your Own Let's Play.
Beckett Burrow
Mapa Mental por Beckett Burrow, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Beckett Burrow
Creado por Beckett Burrow hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Nerd³: Choose Your Own Let's Play!
  1. Explore
    1. Overground
      1. Fin
      2. Underground
        1. Steal
          1. Fin
          2. Don't steal
            1. Fight
              1. Fin
              2. Flee
                1. Fin


                  • This one is the infamous Skyrim Glitch ending.
          3. Escape
            1. Car
              1. Left
                1. Fin
                2. Right
                  1. Left
                    1. Fin
                    2. Right
                      1. Relax
                        1. Fin
                        2. Fly a jet
                          1. Fin
                    3. Spaceship
                      1. One
                        1. Land
                          1. Fin
                          2. Don't land
                            1. Fin
                          3. Two
                            1. Fight
                              1. Run
                                1. Fin
                                2. Repair
                                  1. Fin
                                3. Flee
                                  1. Fin
                                4. Twenty
                                  1. Fin
                              2. Attack
                                1. Hat shop
                                  1. Tactical
                                    1. Fin
                                    2. Stealth
                                      1. Backstage
                                        1. Fin
                                        2. Bathroom
                                          1. Frying pan
                                            1. Fin
                                            2. Gun
                                              1. Fin
                                        3. Void
                                          1. Fight
                                            1. Fin
                                            2. Door
                                              1. Push
                                                1. Fin
                                                2. Don't
                                                  1. Fin
                                            3. Live here
                                              1. Village
                                                1. Train station
                                                  1. Investigate
                                                    1. Defuse
                                                      1. Fin
                                                      2. Negotiate
                                                        1. Fin
                                                        2. Run
                                                          1. Fin
                                                        3. Organise
                                                          1. Fin
                                                        4. School
                                                          1. Fight
                                                            1. Fin
                                                            2. RC race
                                                              1. VT
                                                                1. Fin
                                                                2. Panga
                                                                  1. Fin
                                                            3. Farm
                                                              1. Normal
                                                                1. Fin
                                                                2. Special
                                                                  1. Stay
                                                                    1. Fin
                                                                    2. Leave
                                                                      1. Adopt
                                                                        1. Fin
                                                                        2. Don't adopt
                                                                          1. Fin
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