Computer Hardware Pt.1


Mapa Mental sobre Computer Hardware Pt.1, creado por Neo Metcalfe el 03/10/2016.
Neo Metcalfe
Mapa Mental por Neo Metcalfe, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Neo Metcalfe
Creado por Neo Metcalfe hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Computer Hardware Pt.1
  1. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
    1. The Purpose of the CPU is to process data.
      1. FETCH: (1st step) fetch data and instructions from main memory then store them in own internal temporary memory areas.
        1. DECODE: (2nd step) CPU has to decode (make sense of) the instruction that it has just fetched.
          1. EXECUTE: (3rd step) Carry out the data (This is when the processing takes place).
      2. Cache
        1. Used to temporarily hold instructions/commands.
          1. Small amount of memory which is part of a CPU.
            1. The larger the cache size, the better the performance as it is able to store more data locally.
            2. No. Cores
              1. CPUs with multiple cores have the power to run multiple programs at the same time.
                1. CPUs can contain one or more processing units - each unit called a core.
                2. Clock Speed
                  1. Clock speed indicates how fast the CPU can run.
                    1. The CPU clock speed is measured in cycles per second.
                      1. The speed of the clock determines basic performance of the CPU - the faster it goes, the more powerful the computer is.
                    2. Memory
                      1. ROM: Read only memory
                        1. Non-volatile memory.
                          1. Stores the instructions which the computer uses when it 'boots up' the BIOS.
                            1. ROM retains data even without power.
                            2. RAM: Random access memory.
                              1. Volatile Memory.
                                1. Anything stored within this will be lost as soon as the power is cut.
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