Computer Hardware Pt.2


Mapa Mental sobre Computer Hardware Pt.2, creado por Neo Metcalfe el 10/10/2016.
Neo Metcalfe
Mapa Mental por Neo Metcalfe, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Neo Metcalfe
Creado por Neo Metcalfe hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Computer Hardware Pt.2
  1. Input and Output Devices
    1. Input Devices: Piece of hardware that is used to enter data into a computer.
      1. Mouse
        1. Keyboard
          1. Scanner
          2. Output device: Piece of hardware that is used to display or output data which has been processed or stored on the computer.
            1. Monitor
              1. Speaker
                1. Printer
                2. Special Input and Output Devices
                  1. Sip and Puff
                    1. Allows you to left or Right click.
                    2. Braille Keyboard
                      1. Allows blind people to type on a keyboard by telling what character a key is by the language Braille.
                      2. Eye tracker
                        1. Allows a person to move the mouse with their eye movements.
                        2. Text-To-Speech
                          1. Allows blind people to know what is written on the screen by hearing the voice read it out.
                          2. Braille Printers
                            1. Allows blind people to read text on a piece of paper that is printer off in the language Braille.
                            2. Screen Magnifiers
                              1. Allows people with bad eyesight to see the text on screen.
                          3. Secondary Storage
                            1. Magnetic
                              1. Floppy Disks
                                1. Hard Disk Drives
                                  1. Magnetised iron nails= 1 Unmagnetised iron nails= 0
                                  2. Optical
                                    1. CD/DVD
                                    2. Solid-State
                                      1. USB
                                        1. No moving parts
                                          1. More Reliable
                                          2. Portable and can be used on multiple PC's
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